Captain Internet

How much of Prey 2 was actually shown? I mean the pitch sounded great but for all we know they were just showing off a mod for Quake IV

It's a big mix of all the best and most PC-like PC games of the last thirty years.

Dead Space is very much on-rails with the occasional extra route thrown in; Prey is much more open and free form. I suppose it lies somewhere between Dishonored and Fallout 4 in terms of freedom- you're very much stuck in one single space station, but it's a very big space station, and you can go pretty much where you

As an aside, Spelunky and Breath of the Wild actually have something in common in the way the physics affects the world in sensible ways. Fire burns anything flammable, bombs blow up anything breakable, edged weapons cut things while blunt weapons don't, spikes hurt everything, and so on. Dropping the distinction

If you'd ask me earlier in the week I'd have said Flinthook, but last night I finally got fed up with it. It's just not quite there- the controls are a little bit too loose for the bullet hell it sometimes becomes, and there are too many unfair moments that you just can't do anything about. Enemy bullets that go

I suppose that depends on whether you're playing the one where Ganon has his own tab marked 'bordereaux'

It's good practice for being unemployed too

Did Rise of the Robots teach us nothing?

Well the original Elite actually had revolutionary graphics for the time, so I'm not sure it qualifies

After 'finishing' Breath of the Wild- by which I mean finding all the memories, freeing the Divine Beasts and defeating Ganon but only clearing around 70% of the Shrines and hardly any side-quests- I've had a bit of a break from gaming this week. It's one of those games that makes everything else seem just a little

I'll inform the authorities.

I still remember the first time I saw a SNES- it was on a family holiday to France, in a hypermarché near Calais. There was a demo unit running F-Zero, and there was no-one else wanting to play on it. It looked like it had fallen out of the future. I remember the buildings glinting in the distance of Mute City and

Ah right.


What, no (*scans the Wikipedia list of SNES games*) Earthworm Jim? Or Flashback? Or Street Racer? Or Zool?

'O Butter, Where Art Thou'

Where is the girl's mother in all this? Surely she's the one at fault here.

Breath of the Wild here. Most recent 'oooh' moments: having a suspicion about how to use the minecarts on death mountain that turned out to be correct; completing two shrines that were based on two different aspects of golf (namely driving and putting); and the wonderful freedom that the upgraded Climbing Set gives,

Ooh those Lynels are tough, but once you get the timing of the parry and the jump dodge down the main problem ends up being having enough unbroken weapons to finish them off. I am rather less far through than you, having just got to the second Divine Beast at Death Mountain, but I can fully see myself putting a

I'm off to see Ibibio Sound Machine later in the month so I'm giving their latest a whirl- it's fun but not the easiest to get all the way through. I'm also going through one of my periodic Esbjorn Svennson Trio phases after getting the E.S.T Symphony album. Still wonderful, particularly Viaticum and Seven Days of