Captain Impulse

Exactly. If it wasn’t enough of an issue to stop her from signing on the dotted line and taking the money, then surely her beliefs were not compromised.

I ended up making several of these (as close as I could approximate, anyway) over the course of about two weeks, after seeing this movie. They were as good as they looked!

Being this relentlessly un-funny AND out of touch with reality ought to be a crime...or at the very least, grounds for commitment in a mental health facility.

Just wait until beer-guzzling Yanks find out what “growler” is slang for.

Glad to see we’re still doing the “I’m too cool for Titanic” schtick, 25 years later.

I expect a retraction and an apology from Trey Parker and Matt Stone soon. Don’t you know that you can’t criticize Meghan Markle, because racism or something?

Typical outrage manufacturing article.

Who wrote this article? The “Leave Britney Alone!!!” guy?

That’s what I thought I was seeing, at first.

Does being a pathological liar have something do to with phenotype? She looks like a female George Santos! They even have the same wide-mouthed, creeper smile!

I’m surprised quinoa didn’t make the list.

Huel sounds like the noise of a dry heave. Maybe the name is accurate, after all?

Stop calling it a “fatal beating”. It was murder, plain and simple.

...something something all three of them are full of hot air.

No thanks, I’m fortune into the ground quite nicely, on my own.

Ah, yes, the classic “Hasbro/WotC” defense!

Thank goodness he still HAS feet.

The Backrooms are where you find yourself when you accidentally noclip through a wall at an anime convention hotel. 

The real reason for owning physical media is self-evident: future-proofing against those who would edit, censor or revoke content they find objectionable.