Captain Figpucker Crimea River Song Computer Blues Vanquished

Too bad we don’t own most of the water we’re getting flooded with because Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and California own the fucking water rights. Fuck that dumb shit. Also, superfuck Las Vegas. Talk about a place that needs drought shaming. The Bellagio needs to be fucking razed.

You're a dick.

In case anyone cares to actually UNDERSTAND the issue, residential water usage is a tiny part of a much larger problem. Focusing on the insignificant stuff is exactly what shifts attention from the real problem. California agriculture uses the vast majority of the water, 80%. Residential uses just 20%. Of that, only

Obviously Kanye’s place is that big for his wife’s ass and his ego.

Seriously man, since 9/11 in the U.S. then the crash of 2006 the American worker was forced to do more with less. Companies got used to the low-cost and high-output of a worker scared to lose their job. Now that we are riding an economic crest, the employers are reluctant to invest more in personnel.

It is funny how management just pulls a date outta their ass and tries to "drive" the team to meet it rather than do an actual estimate of the remaining work and get the developer's input on how long it will take.

All of this crunch stuff reaks of a complete misunderstanding of project phases, skilled labor and basic planning skills.

I worked in the game industry (for the ill-fated THQ no less) and I can attest that everything in this article is true. Everyone that isn’t c-level management is pressured into working 12+ hours days for months on end, all for substandard pay and a pink slip when the product ships. Is there a worse word for

One person who worked on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim—one of the most acclaimed games of the last generation—said the last few months of development were a total mess:

I just watched John Carter a few weeks ago, and was actually really surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I’d been hearing people say it didn’t deserve to bomb like it did, which is why I gave it a shot, and I wholeheartedly agree.

IMO, the problem lies in the law. Used to be, there were only a handful of professions exempt from overtime pay. As the years went on, corporations lobbied for more and more professions to be made exempt, and the government’s been all-to-happy to oblige them. Just because you are salary does not automatically make you


Except that the Witcher books are well written with smart dialogue, deep and complex characters, a smattering of social commentary, and are set in an unapologetic, unforgiving, brutal political and social climate that—were it not for the fantastical beasties—would be all but indistinguishable from Medieval Europe.

When pressed for comment, the mayor retreated to her bridge where she belched fireballs and threw hammers at anyone who tried to save the princess.

This is the Witcher based on the Book the Witcher, based on the Character Geralt in The Witcher, if you weren’t playing as Geralt, then it wouldn’t have been called The Witcher.

Just a bit of a correction... Geralt’s actually one of the younger Witchers around. Witchers have a known lifespan of centuries assuming nothing kills them. Geralt is anything but “aging” at this point in the series; he could live for hundreds of years more. His white hair is incidental from his transformation into a

Good old Mason County has the Mothman, the Silver Bridge disaster, Chief Cornstalk, TNT, and Lakin. In college, we would go over to the Lakin remains around midnight on weekends, to explore and look for ghosts. You can still drive by and see where it was located, as it is across from the Lakin Women’s Prison, about