Captain Figpucker Crimea River Song Computer Blues Vanquished

My Grandfather lost 1/3 of his lung function to mustard gas in WWI, he lived to be 89.

The individual states may or may not have the power to seize property as well, but here the feds were agitated that the WTC had run an illegal gambling enterprise under federal law. The federal law, in turn, defines “illegal gambling” as any gambling done in violation of the law of the state where the enterprise is

My great-uncle Teddy was gassed by the Germans in WWI but incredibly did not die. He lost lung tissue, (due to the mustard gas turning to acid in the moist environment of the lungs) and was hospitalized for several years and multiple surgeries. His doctors were amazed at his resilience and eventually, he came home and

Was really hoping to get an in-depth look at how Tony Stark cheated his way to becoming a billionaire. Bummer.

Yeah, everyone knows that the only reason that they declared Water to be a human right is all that “People that need to drink it to survive” money.

I would have figured that even with all the back and forth about “rights” of any kind, the very least that we can come to an agreement to is that drinking water, at the very least — as a condition of fulfilling rights held by human beings, is considered a basic human right.

They are a much more human walker because this is the onset of the outbreak. They have not decayed as much. That is all it means.

I guess the Constitution, The Bible, and basic human decency are “bull-shit bleeding-heart liberal human rights” documents, because “Promot[ing] the general welfare” and “Do unto others” and all the other parts don’t apply unless they involve corporate/government cronyism and waste.

Between (Streaming as of 11:30 PM ET, Netflix)

One dude on Facebook was losing his tits because this movie is “social engineering” and it lured him in with DUDE STUFF like cars and explosions and if it does really well at the box office, it will mean more movies about strong women.



well, you know, not wanting people to die a painful death due to contaminated water or watch their children dehydrate slowly from a lack of it is a lot of blue hippie liberal bullshit

It’s not like I’m watching The Walking Dead going, “this show is great but I really wish there were four more Carls.”

We all know where this goes.

Easy. Because the Stig is known but to handful of people. A development program for a car takes THOUSANDS of people, working for years behind a non-disclosure curtain. Oh, and his identity was famously leaked, by the Stig himself.

The absolute best thing I like about Jalopnik is that you guys don’t blow smoke up manufacturer’s asses. You play it straight. Far too often do I read reviews elsewhere and it is little more than the press release with some additional fluff from the media outlet.
Leaks happen, and those places get asked to take them

Okay. Here’s the first thing. I don’t support publishing internal documents they way you did — these are not the Pentagon papers, which would have never seen the light of day had it not been for reporters. Instead, you helped deflate GM’s carefully timed and choreographed big party — which they spent serious $ on, for

I do wish people would stop saying it’s “Harry Potter but/for x!” I’ve never read a more unhelpful phrase, because they always just mean “it’s fantasy you’ll like.” The only thing Jonathan Strange and Harry Potter share is their Englishness. You might as well call them both “Dickens for nerds”.