Captain Figpucker Crimea River Song Computer Blues Vanquished

For a few moments I was elated to think Iain M. Banks’ novel Dark Matter was being made into a tv series. One can always hope that The Culture gets a screening sooner or later.

Yeah, I’ll be by later to whip you for your mouthiness and then I’m going to rape your sister and mother. I mean, you do want the full slavery experience or are you just a poser?

That might be because science doesn’t draw conservatives. Only 6% of scientists describe themselves as conservative.

Well, if management has huge bonuses tied to meeting deadlines, then of course it’s fine to work people like slaves for weeks or even months and not give them over time. Because it was management that made the game the success it is! Without the management, the game would suck. Without coders, the game will get by by

Love the list.

The only reason I even remember Brian Bosworth’s name is because Lil says it in an episode of Squidillies and I watch a lot of Squidbillies.

American stadiums are the ugliest stadiums in the industrialized world!

Yeah, type your rant on your phone or computer made with rare earth elements mined by slave labor. Pretty sure enslaving somebody is far worse than stealing a tv show, but who knows?

Kissing celebrity ass comes natural to a true American.

Because you can still treat the planet like a dumpster in China while in the rest of the industrialized world, save America, you cannot.

I thoughts that how you get ants?

Robosexual Marriage Now!

Just because they’re outside doesn’t mean migrant farm workers don’t face conditions worse than sweatshops because they do. We just ignore it. Just like all the undocumented immigrants, we ignore them working because we want their cheap labor.

Hodor Hodor Ho!

The wealthy could be hiring top notch pit fighters to don those golden masks.

Dany closed the fighting pits. Who do you think the wealthy are sending off with those gold masks? Their over privileged children or fighters from the pit that they have hired. Also, a spear in a small space like that is a major impediment to using it effectively. So I can see the Unsullied up against top fighter from

What a total misunderstanding of events on the ground.

If all six are at least five of six are found guilty they should then bring R.I.C.O. lawsuit against them for organizing as a group to commit crimes.

Ironically, their efforts to insure no other groups gain traction will in the end insure that other groups gain traction.

You’re expecting perfection out of people. That’s ridiculous.