
Thanks. It’s still janky as hell and I hate it.

And on top of that, you can’t even go directly to the “discussion” section any more, or directly to any slide. Used to be you could add “/slides/##” to go directly to a slide number, but that doesn’t work any more! You can’t even click the “your reply” link in the notification section to go directly to your comment,

I can’t read a damn thing in slideshow format. Just terrible web design and a bad management decision.

I came here to ask the same thing. The only “shortcut” I know for these garbage click-throughs is to jump to the comments by adding /slides/## (where ## is the last slide’s number) to the end of the URL.

James Rouse’s grandson is Edward Norton.

The site isn’t that user-friendly. Click the troop name that is also a link (Girl Scouts of <location>) and not the “Get Cookies” link.

Wow, the presentation alone justifies the cost.

The Pest

A bartender friend of mine referred to Fernet as “the bartender’s handshake” because apparently only service industry folks drink it. I started drinking it with my bartender friends and I like it as a digestif, or to just gross people out.

Selling acid was a bad idea. Selling it to a cop was a worse one.

I had VHSes of the shorts, usually 3-4 around a theme (Chip & Dale, Sports, etc.). If my memory is correct they also used to have a short with some VHS movie release of older movies.

There’s still one boomer in my office that will, at times, print out that day’s Dilbert strip in full color and 11" and give it to me and/or my boss. I guess it’s my fault for not “LOLing” at the link he messaged me soon enough.

My only gripe is that this story is already kind of buried on the new homepage. I do like that there’s a “latest” tab so I can see just what’s been updated since my last visit.

That’s the right amount. If I order a bagel and specify extra cream cheese what I’m really saying is that I want to eat enough cream cheese to not feel feelings anymore and I need to carry it around in a bagel because eating out of the tub on the train is “frowned upon” and “unsettling”.

This is what makes my chili come together.

Search Party was a 2014 movie starring Adam Pally, TJ Miller, and Thomas Middleditch. You haven’t heard about it for a reason.

Dream Cream, from Luv Handles. You’ll wake up sticky for this Dream Cream.

Bread Spread

The only time I’ve had clotted cream was on a flight to (or from) London and it was served at breakfast. “Scones with clotted cream” sounded gross, as I imagined it was going to be more like cottage cheese. But the container was way smaller than I was expecting so I opened it up and spread a bit on the scone and took

What about putting the chips in the fridge or freezer? Occasionally I’ll use a chip clip and throw a half-eaten bag in the freezer which seems to keep them fresh longer than just on the shelf, especially during humid summer months in my non-air-conditioned apartment.