You’re using “lel” in two-thousand-and-goddamn-nineteen. Fuck off.
You’re using “lel” in two-thousand-and-goddamn-nineteen. Fuck off.
I had a poster of this artwork in my room for years as a child, so I feel personally attacked.
Because at the time he wrote Watchmen, pretty much all comic work was work for hire. He had a clause in the contract that after DC stopped publishing Watchmen the rights would revert to him and Dave Gibbons, which would have been huge: a mainstream comic company allowing the creators to have complete control over…
One of the movies Fred Durst directed was The Longshots starring Ice Cube, finally completing a music cross-over that no one asked for.
I remember as a kid one of my friends liked going to a minor league affiliate’s baseball games because they would slingshot bagels into the crowd. Even as a ten year-old I asked follow-up questions and they were just bagels- some flavored, some plain, but not sliced and not even cream cheese.
Niacin flushes are real fun. My doctor told me to take 1500mg of Niacin a day (sidenote: I have no idea if this is a legit medical recommendation, but he is a legit medical doctor albeit one from SoCal) and I got the flush-free kind but one day I was out and had to take the regular kind.
I like In League With Dragons but not as much as I liked Goths. However, I live in southern California and was also a weird kid, but I’ve never played D&D. So maybe it’s just that the content on Goths speaks to me differently.
The only thing “incredibly visceral” about L-Carnitine is the shits it gives you for the first week before your body adjusts to it.
Aster is a surprisingly complete filmmaker right out of the gate (for his feature-length movies, I haven’t seen his shorts). He not only makes his movies look great and keep a consistent style throughout, but he’s able to get really good performances out of all of the actors. I hope him and Peele are going to be…
Hell yeah Cho Aniki. One of the weirdest games since “The Ultimate Challenge from Beat Takeshi”.
The thing that gets me is just how much money these people spent to get their turds into college on non-scholarship deals. This guy couldn’t spend that $320k difference on a tutor or a private coach?
I ate so many Warheads as a kid that just reading about them makes my mouth feel weird and kicks up my saliva. They really are just punishing.
I want to know more about the images at the end of the video that show a hand-drawn Arnold and T-100 skeleton. It looks like something I drew in middle school and I was never a talented artist.
I’ve got a lot of feelings about this because The Walking Dead was big when I got back into comics and it definitely had a lot of repercussions in the industry. I don’t think I gave the comic enough credit for what it did for creator-owned titles until 2012 or 2013 when I was walking around a convention and heard a kid…
If anyone can strike out in the derby, it’s Chris Davis.
Depends on the kind of place you’re at and the location of the drop. If I drop it and goes under a booth or wedges under a table support- it’s dead to me. Same if this is a quick-bite/mom and pop place that probably runs one mop down the aisles a night. Otherwise, the 5-second rule applies.
The thing is, these allegations came up during the last election cycle and he still got re-elected. He immediately blamed everyone else in his family- his son for the video game purchases and his wife for the extravagant travel (they booked airfare for their pet rabbit) because she was nominally in charge of something…
The NHL draft is a 90s-era movie premiere to the NBA draft’s Met Gala.
I’m from the shit hole known as “San Diego”.
I think she’s actually enrolled in a school in Ontario, California and everyone is just confused.