
San Diego is just a location setting for Anchorman, not a real place.

Sorry, it was actually released 12 days ago.

Only problem with making the teams the practice squad/rookies: when would they get a break? OTAs and minicamps start around June and the end of the regular season is now February. I think it’d be too taxing on players to practice and play meaningful games in the spring and then turn around and do it at an even higher

It did get picked up and had a third season (10 episodes) on Netflix last month.

As a San Diegan, I get a kick every time someone says LA is having problems with something because “it’s so close to the border”. Or when LA is having some weather event that we aren’t and they report on it as justSouthern California”.

My list of worst cereals:

You should be able to work around this with narrative devices. Maybe the lightsaber is damaged or poorly-constructed so it isn’t as powerful. Or maybe the Jedi can’t make a lightsaber with what’s on the planet and needs to use a stun baton that looks like a lightsaber to keep the mechanics similar. Or enemies have

A roommate of mine had a brother-in-law that was a deep bench player for the Lakers during one of the Shaq-era championships. I can’t remember which year and I think he played maybe 6 minutes total during the playoffs and finals, but dude got a ring. And he got to party for months with the other, more popular, players.

That’s not a great average. You might want to spend some time in single-A (sticking with cheese) until you’re at least closer to the Mendoza line (only mushrooms).

That’s not a great average. You might want to spend some time in single-A (sticking with cheese) until you’re at

However that is not what all sub shops do, and not what I would argue makes a submarine sandwich. Jersey Mike’s and Blimpie, for example, slice their bread with no seam and I feel that the defining characteristic of a sub is the length of bread which should be sliced fully.

When I was in college I had to write a paper on something or other about East Asian History. I had most of it done and the day before it was due my friends took me a strip club for my birthday. The next day while nursing a hangover I just sort of tacked on a final paragraph, and didn’t bother to edit it. I got a D on

This better come with Cho Aniki.

I tried it once and it did not go well. I didn’t think the interface was as good as the other services, for one. I also have a weird address so I put instructions on how to get to my place in every order. The driver did not get or read those instructions and went to the wrong spot (which I could see on the tracker,

Now playing

This reminds me of Tiny Kitchen, which is one of the last good things on YouTube.

I don’t think Xbox thinks that gamers want green body wash, I think they (and all of us, really) know that gamers need green body wash. Any body wash.

Render therefore unto Caesar salad the things which are Caesar’s salad.

I’m sure Adams Sandler and Levine had a very brief, light text conversation to get the ball rolling.

I’ve flown with a 24-hour flu and carved myself a path from my seat to the bathroom every time I needed to vomit.

The Flaming Lips still know how to put on one hell of a show. I saw them 2 years ago and some of their newer “dreamy” stuff that I didn’t like on the album was made better by the atmosphere and the amount of drugs in my body.