
If you spoonerise Corno Pronk’s name you get Porno Cronk, which is also a fantastic name.

Looking forward to them announcing it’ll actually be a 3-part movie with an added romance subplot between Tetsuo and Kaneda (it was already kind of there, tbh) and more flashbacks to Akira’s childhood. Then, after the first movie doesn’t do as well as hoped they’ll re-tool it to only have one sequel that quietly

I gave my friend crap when he teared up at the end of Logan but I’ll be damned if I didn’t have to dab my eyes at hearing Stan Lee in Spider-Verse.

The Raconteurs, Jenny Lewis, and The Mountain Goats all having new records out this year is really giving me flashbacks to senior year of college when my girlfriend dumped me for a transient she met while building a hospital in West Virginia.

And remember, this is after the Fleet’s #1 draft pick left them before the season started to play in the NFL. They drummed up support with more nobodies than other teams.

Whoppers are great crushed up in ice cream. They maintain their structural integrity and add texture and depth.

His first complete season was 2010 and he looked promising for a team desperate for at least average pitching (apparently his WAR was 2.8 that year which put him just below Jeremy Guthrie and above Jake Arrieta). 2011 was the year he hurt something in his forearm and lost almost all of his velocity. He was decent

If my memory is correct, Matusz was either on the DL or in the minors when they handed out those bobbleheads.

See I think he only wants to get the mom out of the car because her tethered (who’s running the show) called dibs on her. That’s why she was hanging around the scene and stealing Jason was just making the best of the situation. He doesn’t show the match until after the family leaves the car because Jason suspected a

No, the theory is that Jason and Pluto switched independently before the tethered come to the surface.

Plus, if Pluto had burned his face on the magic trick why was he encouraging Jason to do it and then was scared when it went flashed? He would have remembered exactly what the trick did.

As an Orioles fan in San Diego, I am extremely invested in the Padres for the next 3ish years.

That’s what I remembered from the documentary: it went from “evening news human interest piece” to “episode of ‘48 Hours’” real quick. tl;dr- he took most (all?) of his money out in $1 bills because a local radio station ran a contest that if you had a bill containing certain numbers in the serial number, you’d win X

Yeah USD isn’t that hard to get into. That’s where you go if SDSU and UCSD turns you down. Point Loma Nazarene is your safety school.

It definitely isn’t

If you listened to the verses of the song (instead of just the chorus) it’s clear they call asshole men the “dogs”:

I can’t believe it’s been 10 years already. I saw them on this album tour when they were with Editors. I went to see Editors because A) I liked them, and B) my good friend was dating (and later married) the guitarist so I got in for free. I hadn’t heard of The Antlers before the show and as I recall Editors were

I only started watching this on Hulu because I was bored and heard some random podcast people plug it. I was hooked by episode 3 and ran through all of it in a week.

I liked a lot of individual elements of this book, but I never seemed able to get into the flow of it after the first two or so issues. They handled each character pretty well and their interpersonal relationships and the art was very well done and had a good west coast feel to it (bright, flatter colors and clean
