
“Your father will never love you no matter how much you try”. So spot on. If this was 1988 and I was back in wood shop, I’d make the human coke booger up there a plaque that said just that during the wood burning portion of the class.

Pizza grease is my essential oil.

I know which way I’m betting.

Out out damn spot!

This is why Sonic will always be my favorite hedgehog. Fuck Ron Jeremy. 

Those murdering cavemen understood how awful their fellow humans are and defended themselves. It’s why we’ll never have a nice relationship with aliens. Any friendly, well-intentioned aliens would immediately throw the saucer in reverse once they got in range of our television transmissions. I hope I’m wrong, but I

As a Michigander, I endorse this message.

As a fat guy, I’m deeply resentful of those boogaloo asswipes appropriating Hawaiian shirts.

She doesn’t look too far removed from being old enough to move to the villages down in Florida. I bet they’d give her a spot in their racist golf cart parade.

I deeply regret only being able to award you this single star when you deserve so much more.

Time to make more room in that box where I keep Ender’s Game=Great Book/Orson Scott Card = Giant Piece of Shit. On the one hand, I’d love to never hear this kind of crap come out of the mouths of people I used to admire, on the other hand, I’m glad I know so that I can never put another dollar in their pocket again.

Aging out of the cute period and no longer able to be monetized sounds quite a bit like the cubs in Tiger King. These people have as much business being children as Joe Exotic does running a zoo.

“Tell them the North remembers.

For me, all Biden has to be is Not Trump and I’ll vote for him. I’d vote a bowl of cold oatmeal president before I voted for Orange Foolius.

This Michigander loves her and will vote to re-elect her in 2022 if she’s not the veep by then.


Take your star.

We appreciate it, but with Cheeto Mussolini in charge I imagine it must feel like rooting for the Detroit Lions.

My all-time favorite

I was so disappointed my wife didn't recognize this tune when I started singing it during the scene.