
He’s good in Cobra Kai, too.

Man, you didn’t mention Darth Vader was catching for the All-Stars!

Ambulating would actually increase the rate of decay. When you workout, your body repairs or replaces damaged muscle fibers through a cellular process where it fuses muscle fibers together to form new muscle protein strands or myofibrils. If you’re dead, that’s not happening and all that walking, grabbing people,

I gotta think that all this stank business would have made oral sex extremely rare. I bathe daily and still nearly pass out from the muskiness when I strip off for my post lawn mowing shower.

Actually, Benedict Arnold had some legit beef and isn’t hard to find sympathy for when you here more of the backstory.

Burn, Baby,burn!

This same woman probably loves it when Sarah Palin or Laura Ingraham owns the libs like a “bad-ass bitch”. Trump’s whole schtick, in essence, is that he’s an asshole that says what (in their mind) everybody’s thinking while letting the chips fall were they may and these people can’t get enough of that. Fuck these

I’d settle for ”can beat me on Jeopardy” after 2+ years of President Dipshit.

Nazi Roethlisbergers fuck off?

My guess is , after awhile, he carried it in that suit jacket pocket all the time. That way, he could just whip it out and say “fuck it, I quit” when the bullshit got too thick for his liking. Notice how it isn’t dated?

You spelled cunts wrong.

Can we fill the tank with sulfuric acid?

I’m sending thoughts, prayers and...

Yeah, and when they saw that they had emerged at a Lions vs. Browns game they would go back rather than watch it.

Bound in hand-tooled saddle leather!

Truer words were never spoken, just ask Stephen King. That guy still owes me an apology for the way the Dark Tower series ended.

Nope, right at the point where it appears the Night King has won, the white walker immediately to his left merc’s him and the army of the dead collapses. Surviving heroes all stare in disbelief as the only white walker left standing peels it’s face off to reveal Arya Stark!