
Not that it makes him a bad person per se, but I was crushed when I found out Harrison Ford hates Han Solo.

That Marine on the bottom right looks like he’d enjoy grabbing a fistful of orange neck and get to sqeezing.

Actually, yes.

Elim Garak was the single best thing about DS9. There was a lot of good on that show, but he was great.

They won’t. They’re all spineless weasels. I thought Lindsey Graham might, but he and McCain both fold like a cheap suit when the rubber hits the road. I had a confusing moment of respect for Cruz when he manned up at the convention, but he showed his true colors and rolled over for the alpha dog too (despite personal

Here in Michigan, they’re talking about Kid Rock running for senate. There’s your cup of poop soup to go with your shit sandwich.

Did she vote for DeVos’ shitstain husband when he ran to be state Gov? I loved it when Granholm beat him!

This never gets old. Long live poopy shark!

Any body of fresh water in Florida that’s deep enough to swim in should be viewed as gator habitat and avoided.

I think Biden would have done a better job campaigning here in flyover country. I also think he would have been a good deal more likable to the general public.

Smilin’ Joe Biden would have won.

I read this and, at first, I thought “a gofundme would’ve raised that 5 million in about a half hour and Trump would’ve had a hard time explaining that as locker room talk”. Then I realized it wouldn’t have mattered to any of the assholes that voted for him.

If they’re dumb enough to take him, let them keep the drone and do it quickly before they change their minds.

Watching Gary Danielson and Verne Lundquist all but blow him when he visited the booth was especially stomach turning. With Danielson, it felt like it added to my Detroit Lions fan shame. Sad!

Hey, that’s Ned the wino!

I hate that this election has made me have a tiny amount of respect for Lindsey Graham, but he is probably the best Republican alive right now.

Smilin’ Joe Biden would have beaten Trump handily.

Mike Pence is the best assassination prevention plan since Dan Quayle.

It’s like finding out that a beloved family member is actually a child molester or that those vegetables you thought were healthy cause cancer.

I will hate watch the shit out of Fox tonight. Can. Not. Wait.