In Handmaid they assassinated the President, VP and members of Congress all at once. Not recommending. Just saying.
In Handmaid they assassinated the President, VP and members of Congress all at once. Not recommending. Just saying.
I do not see it as a choice between increased threat of nuclear holocaust and the Handmaid’s Tale. I see it as a choice between having the Handmaid’s Tale with an increased chance nuclear holocaust or with a decreased chance of nuclear holocaust.
Jesus Christ, we are in a fucked up situation.
Yeah! This seems like a simple concept. Good comedy, is funny. So all those complaints at needing to be PC is really people just saying “you’re not funny ENOUGH to make that joke”.
Whenever I’m reminded that Seinfeld complains about having to be too PC, it just tells me that Seinfeld’s jokes aren’t as funny anymore and…
There is a line. And you can cross it. You can’t however cross it consequence-free. As long as those consequences aren’t the police, it’s all good.
People in my family live a long time - when both of my (both half-Native-American, rest German & English mutts) grandmothers were born, German immigrants had just recently become acceptably “white”, Irish and Italians still had a couple decades to go, Poles and Slavs weren’t even on the bigotry radar yet, and people’s…
My favorite newspaper is!!!
No, it’s a fair question, and given the relative new-ness of it, it’s also hard to describe. I would say a general hostility to all things “capitalist”- income inequality tend to be the main focus. Again, it’s not that I disagree with any of their beliefs, it’s just that their priorities aren’t mine. A good example…
Of all the terrible things Trump is trying to do, the thing I find the most pressing to stop is his energetic sustained attempt to destroy the free press. God only knows what he’ll do if he manages to fuck up the press and nobody can see what he’s doing. I’m curious to know if this is something people here have been…
So simple. So stupid. So true.
Sounds like my kind of town. I’m tired of subsidizing the cost of other people’s “free” grocery bags through higher food prices. Plus the whole landfill and pollution thing.
Is it just me, or is Trump oranger than normal? Those gold curtains are legit making him look jaundiced.
You ready? Hold onto your butt:
Breakfast with their wives, dinner with their mistresses, and cocktails with their boyfriends?
Well, you know that W.E.B. DuBois has done some amazing things, tremendous things, and he’s getting recognized more and more these days I notice.
Google should use this as a marketing strategy, and display the number of times they could’ve be saved Trump from embarrassment. Ex, who is Frederick Douglass? What is the Start treaty? How to be a president?
I’ve said this dozens of times since the election and I’ll keep saying it:
Tee Hee. He’s so mad lol
The tweet was sent by iPhone, indicating someone else (Ivanka???) sent it on behalf of Trump, who typically tweets from his unsecured Android phone.