
Every time I read these posts about Lake Como, as a Minnesotan it’s confusing.  We have a Lake Como locally in St. Paul, so I’m envisioning these two lovebirds on little pedaled paddleboats surrounded by ducks and snapping turtles.

It certainly does from that perspective. I don’t care for Haberman at all, but it feels like another example of women doing the right thing after a man fucks up and getting penalized whilst the man remains virtually unscathed to freely move on to more fuckery.

Its just such a silly and embarrassingly obvious political spectacle. I hate that this artifice is a part of politics. And I’m not talking about any ‘good ol’ days’ because politicians have literally always done this kind of pandering silliness and a certain segment of the populace laps it up like eating a corn dog at

Sorry, rant ahead.

Why do these people think they’re so interesting that they assume they can take up 20 minutes of people's lives? 

“There was a senator, I think it was after my pancreatic cancer, who announced, with great glee, that I was going to be dead within six months. That senator, whose name I have forgotten, is now dead himself, and I am very much alive.”

I think there is power to imaginary friendships. While Queer Eye is obviously a TV show with its own plot devices, a form of shallow self help consumerism, archetypes, and fictional tropes, I find when I watch it - I feel a real emotional release. This may indicate to some degree I have absence of meaningful

MCU is lucky to have Waititi. I don’t believe Portman would come back for anyone else. I wouldn’t have been interested in anymore Thor movies without Waititi.

I think it would be better if people stopped looking so hard for biological connections, and instead made those connections with the people they have. If you find out that your father couldn’t possibly be your father, so your aunt isn’t your aunt, and that means you can’t talk to your aunt about things, that’s a sad

Djoko is very problematic, so I wouldn’t listen to him. Listen to Andy. 

Oh, Anna, no one is blaming Georgina for her ex husbands’ actions.

“We’re not anti-vaxxers,” he told me. “We’re ex-vaxxers. If you could prove that there are safe vaccines, we’d take them. But they can’t.”

It’s absolutely amazing to me that living in a world where there has never been greater access to knowledge and scientific research is making so many people even more stupid and less educated than they would be without that access.

These look fantastic, thanks Beth.

‘“Those polls don’t exist,” Trump told ABC News on Thursday. “I just had a meeting with somebody that’s a pollster and I’m winning everywhere, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.”’

Counterargument: Taylor Swift is fucking cool?

honestly, it’s like yall are just out there desperately trying to find something to complain about. the song is a great step for her and it’s fun and catchy. so yes, you are a bad faith critic, whatever that means.

Waited tables all through high school summers and full-time through college — wouldn’t have made it through university in DC without the income from waiting tables & bartending.

And I averaged around 23%, which I’m still proud of to this day. Naysayers to tipping often talk about it not being fair to everyone, but the

Did I come in here to see beautiful men doing beautiful skating on the ice from a beautiful anime about beautiful men skating on ice.