
Fingers crossed they cancel each other out.

I haven’t, but I have to say, the trailer doesn’t make me want to. Those old movie musicals that they tried to imitate usually starred people who could actually sing and dance (there are exceptions, of course), not just two actors who can sing a little and took some dance lessons. I’m not a fan of movie musicals, but

Hot take- the music of Moana is ten million times better than LaLa Land I’ve listened to the soundtrack incessantly.

What do you want from me internet troll? Sorry I did not make the comment with you specifically in mind. So here goes: Gosling and Stone are not singers, and I don’t necessarily care for many musicals, so the idea of watching them singing is not appealing; I am sick of the two of them being paired together, it has

I literally can not imagine La La Land being a good movie. Also, Michelle Williams was in Manchester by the Sea for all of like ten minutes. She did nothing Oscar-worthy in that time. Pretty meh about like this entire list, except that at least there are POC this time. That is a positive change.

alternative theory based on Ivanka’s expression (grinning wider, raising her eyebrows) is that Trump was looking directly at the woman he WISHED was his wife but sadly he isn’t a Lannister.

It’s really not that tough to figure out why, is it....?

Trump doesn’t want to be President. In about two weeks, everyone will be so fucking pissed at him that he’ll just walk away from it all, stating that he’ll “continue to fight for you”.....just not as President. Mike Penis will take over, not do anything, and be soundly defeated in 2020.

Another woke little dude. Saw this on twitter.

Man who snuck out of work early to go to his local march here I tried to invite chait but he wouldn’t return my phone calls. As for the other questions I don’t feel particularly threatened by trump because I am what his supporters like though I hate them and him with a passion. I am afraid for my daughter (who I

“Goldman’s cake, in contrast, was composed of nine differently-flavored layers of cake, because it was an actual cake.” lol for crying out loud, he’s going to pinch pennies on cakes and dresses and still rob the country blind

Tangentially related but how cute is Ian mckellen’s sign for the women’s march?

Oh my gosh this is wonderful!! And he looks so happy, hahaha.

Yes. Also, Michelle is allowed to have more emotions than just love for Barack (although obviously important). She’s allowed to poke at him, mock his dancing, display displeasure, and basically, be a fucking human being. All Melania’s allowed to do is say how amazing her husband is, how the media hates them, and wear

I don’t know but in Civilization 6 you can’t make pastures or train horse units until you research it.

Is it terrible that after the 0, 0, 0, 0 I saw “21 years of experience in government” and thought “oh, phew, that’s something” and only then realized it was Sessions?

“You should be happy your rapist settled for you. Nobody else wants you.”

Listen, bitchlette, he didn’t have to run for president. He could have gone on with his businesses, making deals, not paying his taxes, not paying his bills, living in his gilded bubble, and doing whatever it is he does to stay in the news. He chose to run for president. He chose to channel Greg Stillson to gain

I’m sure he’ll say, “we had the biggest crowds ever!!” But deep down it kills him that the crowds are small, just like it kills him that he is perceived as an illegitimate president.