
My Barron. My freakishly tall Barron. He’s very tall. And immune. My immune Barron. He’s very immune. Like me, and Melania. We’re all very immune.

Trumpian levels of vulgarity and excess.

Ya know, in these trying times I’m not sure I’d be doing a brag on how I burn money just because I can. The house is hideous, but the disparity it points to is obscene. Mr Drake can spend his money however he wishes but the world is experiencing a monumental shift and his fuck-them swank and swagger makes me want to

Well, she’s been able to pull herself up by her daddy’s name successfully.

I try to have empathy for people home with families and kids... but as someone working from home, alone all day in a small condo, never seeing anyone and working in the energy sector so having absolutely no leeway for a breakdown/loss of productivity (“they” say there is, but anyone who’s lived through a oil price or

I have no issues with Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard owning a building and I think they’re being really good landlords by not charging rent for April. It’s decent and I wish my apartment complex would do the same.

Are you sure the wells have been fracked? Are they vertical and/or horizontal wells? There are shitloads of wells from over 100 years of drilling in that part of Wyoming. The shale fields (requiring fracking) are mostly in the southwestern part of the state. The LeBar Ranch is north of Orin, Wyoming according to

Now playing

This morning, European Central Bank President Christine LaGarde gave an address and press conference to explain the Euro Zone response to the current crisis. She was superb, as always: measured, informed, presenting practical solutions, and imparting a sense of calm to anyone listening (at least that ship’s tiller is

mostly because she maintains the endearing naiveté that drew so many to her instead of Britney or Christina in the first place.

Hasn’t he just replaced drugs with religion though? Anger with condescension, resentment with smugness, disrespect for women with putting them on a pedestal. There photos of him and his wife the other day where he looked like he was smothering her with pda and she was trying to get him to dial it back. Change is not

Tangentially related, but how great was it, as a woman, to watch a show where none of the main characters were sexually assaulted? As Beth mentions, Renfri’s past involves rape, which we probably could have done without, given I don’t think it added anything to the already morally murky story, but outside of that, it

Every time I’ve seen Hart in an interview, talk show, or YouTube clip, he’s 100% committed to being the loudest person in the room and being the center of attention. He talks over other guests and works to make it all about him. It’s not at all surprising that he considers a “friend” of 10 years nothing more than

It’s not a cheese board if there isn’t room to actually cut and serve yourself cheese from it, or if cheese is not the main ingredient. 

Fuck all this Melania horseshit, Trump’s calling Joyce’s wife a “looker” is a sarcastic insult right in front of that Rep & his wife’s face. Alice Joyce is NOT a looker — fuck, she’s a plain as mayo on Wonder bread pimple popping doc living it up in Altoona.  Trump is slamming the dudes wife right in front of a full

She and Jared regularly meet for buffing and polishing sessions.

I don’t think one single person would be sad if he died. Melania would just go spend money.

no booze is fine, you are right. What is not fine is making people wear heels and then pay for booze. That is rude

My godparents divorced, didn’t talk for a few years, and are now great friends.  The ex-wife even vacations with the new wife and the now-adult kids of the second marriage.  I’ve seen it done, is what I’m saying.

I don’t want vote for anyone over 70 (although it seems like we’ll be forced to in the general at least). I just can’t imagine why we want someone who grew up, had a full career, and basically solidified their approach to the world in the last century’s pre-internet, mostly pre-computer era, is capable of leading a

May he have a speedy recovery. I wish him the best.