
“Young lady who do you think you are? I am a white male born in these United States and argle-bargledy-boop!!!!”

Love ya, Uncle Joe, but you’re 74, and will be 78 in 2020. Time for the torch to pass to a new generation. Find a good candidate and put your moral weight behind him or her.

I think they should consider me for Secretary of State. I haven’t actually been out of the country, but I did have a passport (it expired, sad!). I have also watched a number of TV shows and movies set in other countries. I also learned German in high school (I’ve forgotten most of it).

Although I don’t have a medical degree and am a man, I’ve decided to pursue a head OB/GYN role since I spent the most formative parts of my life in utero. You’re an inspiration to us all, Dr. Carson.

It brings me great comfort that Alec Baldwin keeps doing this impersonation with the sole purpose of getting under Trump’s skin.

Actually, that’s usually when people have psychiatric problems. I don’t think he’s trying to be manipulative. When you’re already under stress (like a tour, for example) a minor change in your support system can cause a mental break. What happened to Kim would qualify as more than minor,

I’m not as icked out by the age difference, but I’m icked out because it feels like Cheryl is taking advantage of an idiot kid who was rebounding from the break-up of his long-term relationship. This baby is coming at a really bad time in his career, when he is just about to launch his solo album. But then again, he

Kellyanne reminds me of a worn-out, fucked up animatronic at a pizza restaurant where the one eye doesn’t open all the way.

Old TV’s used to have that smell, which I assume is what she is talking about? Fellow Olds will remember when you turned it on and got the “bwonnggg” sound and the static? It had sort of a metal smell.

Other people can’t smell that?

It is...and Tavarish is out on a cruise ship enjoying the sea this week. You know what they cruise, you lose...or something.

Why was David Tracy’s suggestion of “100 broken Jeeps!” rejected?

I wouldn’t excuse the driver, either. He’s a dick. They’re both dicks. Everyone’s a dick.

Her and Katie. I would probably drop dead on the spot. I’ve been fantasizing about that for years.

After filming it, I seem to recall him tweeting that during the filming he got drunk off his ass basically. I think he’s just so damn eloquent and he knows this story forwards, backwards and sideways that he didn’t mess up the storytelling, but the stuff they showed of him between the story shots showed him acting

That was great! Thanks.

Except that he promised to visit Pakistan. Which actually is an important diplomatic act. Obama refused to visit Pakistan to show his discontent with the inability of their leaders to control the Taliban and their continued aggressive acts towards india. Did he consciously mean to reverse long-standing US foreign

“I learned to drive stick on a tractor like ‘80s Volvo station wagon.”

This statement makes no sense. How does one base a number around what humans experience when the number is what we use to express that experience? Up here in Canada, on a day that’s too hot to go outside it’s +30(+/-), too cold is about -30 (+/-). If it is below 0 we’re more likely to get snow than rain. It’s pretty