
Rita Ora can’t teach them how to be a supermodel. But she can teach them how to be a celebrity despite no discernible talent or success in any area and no actual reason to be considered a celebrity, which might be the best life advice these girls can get.

Me, trying to conjure up my shocked face

This doesn’t seem to be specific to millennials at all. It’s boomers who didn’t fucking die off fast enough who are wrecking the damn place.

Not to be a jerk, but why does he suck? Yes, he bangs models. All the models. And his nonprofit may have slipped into some shady business in the last few years. But he’s passionate about saving the world and does good movies. He also loves his mom, doesn’t that count for something?

Get off your fucking phone and say hi to the great Lily Tomlin! = I’m hanging out with an icon so you’ll have to acknowledge me!

I’d love to say this guys was a product of his time, and that we’ve moved on as a society now, but I’m a boudoir photographer, and I can’t tell you how often. I get calls from moms wanting me to photograph their daughters. I explain the nature of our work, but tell them I’d be happy to do fashion work (i.e.- full

You would think so, but obviously you are the sort of person who would be there doting on your loved one when they need you, so you’d likely be shocked how many simply cannot be bothered to do so. Friends of my family had a serious car accident on vacation, which nearly killed the husband. He was in the hospital,

I agree that Evgenia’s use of the real audio was a terrible idea. This does raise a question for me though: Is there something about skating that makes it inherently unsuitable for addressing serious real-world topics, more so than other types of art and performance? There are plays, movies, novels, ballets, and

My nieces made the best place cards for everyone and I must share. (Apologies if this is huuuuuge, i can’t really tell on my phone.)

“I am extremely shocked by these results.”

They’ll pay her in lossless copies of “Lemonade” and “Rebel Heart.”

France has over 5 million Muslims. France has, to put it lightly, a troubled relationship with its Muslim citizens (I think both sides bear some responsibility for that, but from a potential terrorists perspective, France has pretty much relegated Muslims to 2nd class citizens).

A lot of reasons, but the TL;DR reasons are a) French history of aggression in the Middle East in North Africa, and b) longstanding social and political marginalization of ethnic and religious minorities that makes those populations easy pickings for those who wish to radicalize them.

honestly? because it’s a country that treats immigrants terribly. ISIS depends on western nations treating Muslims bad, because that’s how they recruit. Most Muslims would never, but after 10+ years of being spat upon, suddenly ISIS begins to look good. So ISIS preys on nations that treat Muslims bad, in order to spur

I think it’s because how proudly secular France is and how it alienates Muslims which in return radicalizes some of the Muslims.

Well, I called for a mental health wellness check when my neighbor started doing things like screaming Bon Jovi lyrics in the street in the middle of the night and chopping up his front porch with an ax. Your mileage may vary, but that was my experience.

a big ol fuck up followed by some decent apologies / basic accountability feels like an honest to God palate cleanser at this point.

As a resident of NJ, the answer is no. Last year when he was on his FAILED (lol) campaign, we had a frigging blizzard here. When asked by reporters why he didn’t come back to, you know, govern the state he snidely responded, “What am I supposed to do, shovel snow?”

I still love, in an evil bitch sorta way, that all Chris Christie really wants in life is to be friends with Bruce Springsteen and ol’ Bruce basically said “nah.”

Not one cute outfit.