
“...Melania is extremely close to Baron,” the source told the Post, “and they have become closer during the campaign...”

Well, to be fair, a Republican asking for the theatre to be a safe space does kinda make sense. Their history with the medium is a bit wobbly.

I explained shade to my parents and my dad said: “There’s a word for what your mom does?” He now rejoices in pointing out shade where he finds it. He’s extremely accurate.

I didn’t think the CIA had it in them to be so salty. Bless.

My husband used the word shade around his parents, so I felt the need to give a 10-minute explanation of the word, its origin, and correct usage— specifically throwing shade vs. a read. Near minute nine I realized I misjudged my audience and no one cared. I still finished strong and feel like I made the world a better

I believe someone on Tumblr described the first Obama-Trump meeting as something like “The first day of law school, and homeboy didn’t do the readings.”

I’ve told this story here at Jez but I will repeat it again. And I’m calling my former rep in PA and telling them and anyone who will listen the same story over and over again until they vote this 20 week ban down when it comes up again.

At our 20 week ultrasound we found out our son had a condition where he

“I want to destroy you for your own good. Why can’t you see that, you ungrateful little shit that I effectively disowned.”

“Instead we got a guy who can’t find his asshole with two hands and a flashlight.”


I’m getting pretty tired of all this crap about rural, conservative areas not having sex education. At least three of my teachers married students from my graduating class, and in all three cases it was within a year of our graduation.

You can’t tell me there wasn’t some sex education going on there.

“I also reject the feminist messaging that treats gender issues as a zero-sum game—that assumes that to empower women, we must castrate men. You see the beginnings of this even in the schoolyard, with affirmations like, “Girls rule and boys drool.” 

In my mind the anti-vaxxers usually occupy that space that’s so far left (or so far right) that it’s completely gone around the circle and touched the other side. They’re basically political reavers floating in the outer quadrants. See also: people who homeschool for “spiritual/religious” reasons.

You think we’ll all get dumber listening to Trump speak the next four years?

you know what i will miss most about obama?

This right here! I made a calculated risk from a worldwide established $8 billion/year company to a $11 million start-up, thinking I would have even more directional input to the overall strategy. Well, I didn’t take into account the “old guard” who were the first employees (with little to no real experience) being

If you don’t want to call it politics, simply remember this: Often, teams have some power over who joins them and who doesn’t. More than once, a manager gently probed my team over whether they could promote someone into our group whenever we had a slot open.

Germany is pretty much the only country that doesn’t whitewash its history, and makes damn sure children are raised learning everything about its past mistakes so they won’t make them again. Virtually no other country does that.

I’m calling for responsibility and maturity and decency from someone who has held one of the highest positions in our government.