
Nope. And the guy looks like he developed a bad... terminal illness.

Keanu knows that feel, bro.

It's not a lie if you believe it.

Damn, DNC, between this and Bernie’s motion to nominate and the mothers of Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, etc. on stage, you really know how to chop up some onions.

This was a successful night. No screaming people from the CA delegation. The speeches were truly inspiring. I understand that there was some chaos by some childish protestors outside of the convention, but thankfully it was not covered by the media.

Fucking Awesome!

Loved this moment. Loved when the camera zoomed out to all those women and girls.

Me and my mom cried and then felt like losers.

WHAT the HELL, America??? Do you have Alzheimer's, dementia or some other mind altering disease? The rest of us are getting sick of this and are somewhat worried for you.

What about a REALLY CLASSY evening gown? No?

This is just beautifully done. Completely nailed it. Y’all should be professional writer/actor/models.

“La baise, you ask? I find myself giving fewer and fewer of them these days. So few that the number approaches zero.”

This was definitely on a par with the parodies lolcait/richard lawson used to do. Well done, ladies!!

Oh God, I can’t tell you how much I loved this. Can I write to you about how true meaning can only be found when you stop looking for meaning? I thought about a tree today... when I nourish it with my nightsoil do you think the gluten in my diet will harm it?.... honestly, I’m ready for this.

“Frank’s posted a plot-thickening, grammatically unfortunate statement.”

He could have made it to garbage island and drifted forever.

Whatever, Taylor. No matter how many images of perfect romance you produce, nothing will ever erase the Saddest Boat Ride Ever: