
Why does everyone go to security. This is about transparency. These are individuals with significant sway over our way of life and they need oversight.

I don’t doubt that there’s pain involved, but the way this guy and his camera man have to make everything a 10+ minute event is sooo off putting.

Huh, my dad got stung by one when I was little and didn’t act like he was in that much pain (said it wasn’t much worse than any other wasp sting). We double checked with the park ranger, who re-assured us that it only delivers about the same amount of venom as a normal wasp, so we went about our business at the park.


It was never going to last, he was an Apple user while she was an Android.

I agree with you, but I must say that after being divorced for seven years and having my ex calling me because apparently the grass wasn’t greener after all, I am fairly certain Aniston is delighted.

If Hillary’s people have the brains God gave a gooseberry, she’ll make a statement, or call in to some news shows, right now, praising the preparedness of the police and the citizenry, and explain that when we all work together, these threats can be minimized.

i honestly don’t get how a person with ZERO FOREIGN POLICY EXPERIENCE going against a woman who was SECRETARY OF STATE when Bin Laden was killed is going to benefit from this...but he will...

That summer of everyone playing Pokemon Go really trained them well.

Not that far off. I forgot where I read it, but his family owned a Fried Chicken place that was getting noise complaints. The city forced it to close at 10PM instead of 24 hours then when the cops showed up to enforce it his brother fought them and was arrested. Father and Brother fled the country back to Afghanistan.

They need him alive for questioning.

I’m not. They caught Dzhokhar Tsarnaev alive.

This fucking loser is an American citizen trying to kill people in the country that took him in, gave him citizenship, and provided him with opportunity. Here’s where everyone comes out to equate America with all the other horrible evils in the world. Yes, America has systemic, terrible problems, and questionable

Mock Trump, he for sure deserves all he can get, but I’m afraid these incidents make it more likely he will win by appealing more and more to the “do anything to keep us safe” crowd.

Is it wrong I hate him even more than I thought possible to hate an attempted murderer as because of him fucking Trump is going to win the damn election.

No seemingly about it, Ahmadman is Afghanistan born and if he did this, a terrorist to boot. It’s hardly racist to quote facts.

When is the last time you saw any one but a muslim holding a severed human head?

Does anyone feel like the past few years have just been some weirdo’s really really long dream?

hybridized urban-burb enclaves