
The Guardian had a great write-up of how immigration fear was the biggest driver of “Leave,” not immigration; in neighborhoods with large percentages of recent immigrants, the majority of British voters voted “Remain.”

Not a chance for me; I’m okay with Clinton, she’s infinitely preferable to Trump, and I realize that neither Stein nor Johnson have a chance of winning (and I don’t know enough about Johnson to know if I find him preferable to Clinton). However, I do the the sense that some of Sanders’ supporters are refusing to vote

Jesus, please don't do that.

Let’s hope this doesn’t happen in November with Bernie supporters (I’m one of them) voting for Jill Stein as a protest candidate.

The only silver lining might be Irish unification and Scotland’s independence.

its like when you were little and fighting with your brothers in the car on the way to see Tarzan and your mom said she would turn the car around if you didnt stop and you didn’t believe her so you kept fighting and then she did and your life flashed before your eyes.

They’re not laying down and doing nothing. They are trying to live. They are trying to live in a country whose elected officials have knowingly and intentionally worked to disenfranchise them. They are trying to live in a country where wanting the right to collectively bargain is seen as a crime, and as a result, has

Sadly, no. It really isn’t about us. It’s about the three American gun manufacturers exploring a loophole/Iron Triangle that has accidentally appeared/persisted in our legal/political system. The gun manufacturers want to keep making money and living high on the hog. They pay to support the NRA, which has a relatively

I feel nothing but anger and hate towards the vile bigot who thought that his icky feelings justified taking 50 lives. I feel nothing but anger and hate towards our “leaders” who take money from the gun lobby and offer nothing but thoughts and prayers. I feel nothing but anger and hate towards the Republicans who

I went to the pride parade in DC yesterday and I was one of the most fantastic moments of my life

I just feel so numb. The stories are so similar to the shooting in Bataclan (Paris) where I actually knew people inside (they made it out). And this has the added horror of being a hate crime. It’s just too much. I wish the press would stop calling it the biggest shooting - it’s like it’s an actual accomplishment.

I just hope that I’m wrong, that there is an afterlife, and that the victims are there and at peace right now. I want them to be okay.

I woke up this morning to a whole bunch of Facebook messages from my Orlando friends checking in safe, and my day has been flooded with people sending thoughts and prayers. I know people mean well, and some find comfort in these things, for which I begrudge no one. I’m sad about what happened, but more than that I am

I know exactly how you feel. I feel that way every time something horrible happens. I wish I had something to pray to, to believe in.

What is wrong with this country? Why are we too stupid to stop handing out assault rifles and high capacity magazines as if there could possibly be a legitimate purpose for owning one? Why can’t we put a shock collar on Fox News as an entity and just zap them every time someone blames this on Obama? Why can’t we

I want to feel anything other than sorrow and hurt, but I can’t. All I’ve been doing is crying. My community is bleeding, and all I can do is cry.

Jesus Christ, I have never read that story but that passage made me tear up.

I dunno what’s worse: the Citidiot, or the continued existence (and popularity) of Jimmy Fallon as a late-night host. (It could be worse, though: he could be James “I Stole Craig Ferguson’s Job” Corden or Chris Hardwick.)

I think “Donald Shit about the Bay” is British children’s book.

Nate Silver, if you are reading this, I would love to see the Venn Diagram of”NBA fans” and “Trump Supporters”.