.3 cents is .3 cents!
.3 cents is .3 cents!
Yes, and just as a reminder for any right-wing readers that might be wanting to chime in here: we realize that there's plenty of reprehensible personalities on the left, and even in the bland middle-dimensions of mainstream cable news.
We realize, in short, that only the most water-headed among us could possibly view…
Didn't go far enough on Lauer, actually. He is not at all a "nice guy." He's one of those bland non-entities who's quick enough to pile on people he doesn't understand and embrace the powerful just because they're powerful. At least Hannity, Lahren, etc. are just openly buffoonish clowns; Lauer is actually sort of…
"Ah am a proud and ignorant woman!"
(voice of Wilford Brimley) The government is trying to take away your diabeetus medication. Why? I dunno. But I do know this…
What, you no like Congressman Peter Brady? Not Dump Pete, Keep Pete!
I came all the way back to where I was before. Sadder, but maybe…no, just sadder.
We're through the Overton Window here, folks!
Thinness is rewarded and excoriated in almost equal amounts.
Walk around with a thin woman sometime, see what she gets: there'll be vocal hate from all the amateur Megan Trainors of the world, there'll be concern-trolling about their "health," regardless of why their metabolism is the way it is, You'll get strangers…
And -I thought- used some fairly shitty non-arguments there, too. Like:
"…then she sort of disappeared and then resurfaced as this incredibly
complex, meta, self-reflective, and cerebral anti-pop version of herself
where she was self-funding her own music and was away from the
recording industry machine that she found…
Oh, you know Leonard?
Oh, it is. Also: who decides when the "every now and then" falls? Is it really realistic to expect men to stop talking in order to right millennia of bad behavior? What if the men have things to say that even you think is worthy of being said? And even if it would be better if women were saying them, they aren't or…
I don't think he's an "ally," so much as "guy who made shitty points and tried to cover them with a word he doesn't seem to know much about."
I would agree in general, but disagree with you here in particular: this guy was a force-five douche storm who tried to cover all his bad arguments with "feminism!" Fuck that and fuck him.
Especially when you consider that not a one of us used "C'MONNN! IT'S FUNNN!" as our argument, which is what I have to assume "poptimism" is.
LOSER: All of us.
Especially when you consider that it probably isn't stupidity but cynicism that makes her that way:
Make a faux-empowering song about being big that actually is just shit-talking other, skinnier women -and ultimately saying it's fine 'cuz men like it- is inexcusable enough, and then to consistently say "YOU BETTER…
There's plenty of wrong in there.
Say that in Liam Neeson's voice!