Cap'n Tragedy

In the original Frank Darabont DAWES somebody when you eat it.

And Mangelo!

Because we lost that a while ago anyway, with the coming of Disqus, and most of the good writers migrating to The Dissolve, peace and blessing upon it.

The whole site became -briefly- a giant advert for C. Espo so gradually, we did not notice…until there was nothing we could do…
Now, of course, living in the post C.Espo world…

Ghosted by Dial A Nurse!

" Some of these turtles inevitably survived the trip back to Europe, and
they were presented as gifts to royalty or sold to adventurous
…all of whom said, 'Now how do you fuck this thing?'

Cue Mary Stuart Masterson: "What? They're Good."

No, no…it's Michael Richards!

Me too, but that's the thing: they get that way by not considering things very carefully.

"Just some simple thoughts from A Jerk Who's Proud of His Work!"
*vomits blood*

I'll even just say, "Yeah, I know you believe that, but you believe that because you're an idiot." It's oddly less likely to make them defensive.

"ENGLISH" muffins? What-EVERR!

O.R. They?

As the old folks around here say: eat it fast, eat it slow, you still must swallow that fucking toe.
Then they come at you with a pitchfork!

History proved him right!

"When you had been in deep REM sleep, and had a bucket of ice cold water dumped on you, you'd be Woke."

Yeah, but Perennials have no sense of irony!

She looks like a foot!

Well, it's good to know that all this New Dada will be washed away by the New Gulag.
I think that's what the argument was. Either that, or: The Youngs think Irony is saying something stupid, then making a funny face. That checks out, by the way.

I would love it if there were some equivalent U.S. to U.K. switch, like "Yes Dear" is considered this really deep show in Britain…