Awkwafina is the alter ego of Bojack Horseman character Sextina Aquafina.
Awkwafina is the alter ego of Bojack Horseman character Sextina Aquafina.
I guess there must be no vets around anymore.
I’ve always said that The Godfather is good but it’s no The Godfather.
He is more of a soccer player - amazing on crosses...
I have no respect for an actor or self-described “movie buff” who says The Godfather is their favorite movie, and then calls it the best movie ever made. It’s an ok movie. There are so many more films that are far better, far more entertaining, far more ground breaking and better just technically speaking. Hell, there…
Could God bowl a split so difficult even he couldn’t manage to score a spare?
No idea why anyone would put him on a pedestal.
First of all, “cradle the Gawker-balls” is sexist. So maybe don’t.
“I don’t recall your name coming up nearly as frequently before the Kinja changeover, and every fucking article of yours that I read is in some way inflammatory or treating gossip and hearsay as concrete fact.”
I mean...couldn’t you just stop reading her articles and interacting with them? Seems like they stress you…
Learn to read, be nicer to people and maybe check out some court documents, because gawker did not get shut down for libel.
“Pregame” seems like something people have been saying for at least as long as I’ve been alive, and “Troll”’s new definition should have been added fifteen years ago.
Even implying she should be fired by saying what Hill said was a ‘fireable offence’ could be viewed as a violation of the 1st Amendment. It is neither her right nor her position to try to dictate ESPN’s HR policies.
Maybe they just needed a story for the PB household to revolve around this season and nothing else jumped out at them.
I typed out BoJack’s monologue about Hollyhock cause it’s cute as hell, enjoy.
“TV pitching is like the Israel flag, it’s nothing without a big star”. Lenny Turtletaub continues to be the lowkey best recurring character on the show. J.K Simmons is just great at delivering nonsense dialogue in a really understated, no-nonsense way. Him getting the Waltz of the Rubber Chicken stuck in his head is…
(It’s possible this should have gone on last week’s review, but I’m not rewatching in real time right now.)
I used to feel this way too, because the others are so compatible with Lorelai on the surface, until I realized that Luke is basically not-rich Richard. Tradition, stability, caring for his family, all the things Lorelai had to give up and now longs for. I think Luke makes Lorelai feel calm. The others, despite…
Lane just tugs at my heartstrings this whole season. She gets such a raw deal compared to Rory.
Christopher could always keep up with Lorelai’s wit and I guess I can see why people like them together. But the character is just such a dirtbag when it comes to commitment and I agree with your dislike of him.