
In her defence, it's the politest way for a fucking child to sit in company when they're also playing a game of "the floor is lava".

Do your gonads have elaphantitis or something? Because I honestly don't see how people find it that uncomfortable to sit with their legs together for the duration of a crowded train ride.

I think Trump's roughly as worried about art turning against him as major labels in the 90s were about the bands they were signing decrying corporate rock.
Conditions which let him act like the world (bestest, most popular) pariah have served him pretty well, so he won't do anything to stop it in the near future.

Yep. These films are a lot of fun, and for 99% of their audience they were nothing more than good old-fashioned escapism. Stewart acted flat because it's easier for the audiences to project themselves onto the character.

He's had a black belt in karate since he was eight, so it's probably not a good idea.
Also, he was fine in Scream Queens.

Do Lutherans have a rite similar to Bar Mitzvahs/Confirmation etc where you become an adult in the eyes of the church regardless of your calendar age?

Nope, Disney onesies tend to be Goofier.

Counterpoint: the Kidz Bop version of Modest Mouse's "Float On" is as identical as possible to the original, but it has a chorus of kids yelling "Yeah!" at the end of each line. It is easily the superior version.

Yep. Also, kids' music - to the extent that exists as a full blown genre - is a relatively recent thing. Kids Youtube channels have only existed for a decade or so. Cars were limited to whatever was playing on the radio (so no kids' tapes) until the mid eighties. Kidz Bop and the Wiggles are really recent

Ugh. Millenials. David Byrne perfected dancing while pretending to chop food in 1981.
Bite delicious carrot sticks, not styles, yo.

Firefly died on its way back to its home planet.

Four or five hours into checking out the original series is a much better investment of your time than spending the equivalent on the revival (the first couple of episodes of both are a little clunky tho). The pacing of the dialogue of the original run falls more in line with old screwball comedies, and a lot of the

April was alway fun, but I think people were always (unfairly) cautious that she was going to be the GG version of Cousin Oliver. She seems to have switched from being the science nerd to Rory's liberal arts nerd, to another liberal arts nerd tho.

It's more to do with Michelle Simms vs Lorelei Gilmore than Foster vs Graham, I guess. Simms never seemed to be as fully realised as a character as Lorelei was because Lorelei had a lot more to play off/interact with in Stars Hollow, so Simms always came across as like ASP had run out of ideas. Bunheads never

Shit, now I don't know what cliches to believe about librarians anymore.
Normally I prefer things to have signs of life scuffed into them, but books are different. Too many of my parents' books were unreadable when I was growing up because they were kept so poorly that the pages would fall out when you turned them

I'm surprised Robert has never gotten really drunk, and just decided to buy Logan.

Yeah, Stars Hollow only has that one speakeasy.

Luke in the wookiee suit; dude still doesn't get how this surrogacy thing works.

Emily had the most satisfying arc across the series. Watching her troll the DAR and then claim "I can't spend anymore time and energy on artifice and bullshit" was probably the greatest moment of the entire revival.

Yep. I've always thought that the main reason that all of Rory's boyfriends were dicks were because of a maternal instinct that nobody would ever be good enough for her surrogate daughter.