
Fair enough. But Spoilers!

I really don't understand how Lorelei is so casual about Rory sleeping with an engaged guy, given the fallout from her finding out that Rory and Dean slept together. It's not like she had any real fondness towards or rapport with Logan back in the day.

Paul's basically Dean 2.0, where they tried to make up for the shortfall in personality by giving him a really cool vintage spanner.

Yep. It comes across a little too much as a second-rate version of the Arrested Development "her?" trope tho.

These people? He's 10. He shouldn't be held accountable for his father's actions for another 8 years.

The first Muppet Movie too, which is basically the quest of a frog who wants to make "millions of people happy".
Damn I miss Jim Henson.

Was your AV Club account name "Will A"?

I've always thought she was fantastic, expect she distinctly says "Beaglejuice" at around 2:25*, so I'm happy to break out the torches and pitchforks.

shit, for fifty bucks i could make a pretty convincing reproduction with a pair of keds and a bedazzler, and still make a profit.

The past is a foreign country. Hitler fucking HATES foreign countries.

A baby with canceraids, which they had yet to invent a vaccine for in the late 19th century.

Honestly, my first thoughts after watching Scott Pilgrim was that the Wachowskis must have been kicking themselves because Wright completely nailed the aesthetic they were going for, but never really achieved.

"No purple weed. No ugly chicks". Your prom committee was pretty dickish.

I was vaguely into it for about a month. Like "spent about ten dollars on it". Then they banned rooted android phones and i realised i just didn't give a crap about it any more.
Not sure what the cause of my lonely, early death will be tho, so i got that going for me.

Wait, so Y really did have a detachable penis?

Does anyone know whether they're using Waits' actual recordings in the show, or just covering them? All the articles I can find on it use ambiguous terms like "uses" and "featuring", which could refer to either, really.

Okay, cool. If there was an internet protocol for "Thanks for the heads up, as an adult i can admit i was wrong" I would be using it right now.

The producers also kept making gay jokes at (OG Blue Ranger) David Yost's expense until he quit; I'm more likely to assume the race/colour matching was likely to be something they thought was funny until they got called out on it.

Right now I'm annoyed that Jorts-el is a DC character.

"Penis Breath" was hilarious when I was six, then it was hilarious all over again twenty years later when it finally clicked that it was a blowjob reference.