Is Jill Valentine the name of the gun?
Is Jill Valentine the name of the gun?
But enough about Chris Pratt’s social media presence, amirite
Everyone wants to know. They’re not saying.
I imagine the worst-case scenario is sending them straight to Disney+, but 2 and 3 would have to massively underperform.
I mean, he’s partially not wrong? Straight people undoubtedly stayed home.
Yeah, Deadpool calls Cable “Thanos” once as an insult.
This article is frankly insane. It seems to make three arguments to support its premise, and none of them pass muster.
If I have to be five feet nothing, I’ll stay human.
Dante’s been dealt an unlucky hand, failing to heal his anguish over the sudden, accidental deaths of his wife Becky (Rosario Dawson) and young daughter
I love the detail that canonically, Mickey and Minnie are married, and if they sometimes appear in roles where they’re just dating or not even together, that is because they are actors and are playing a part.
Mickey Mouse is running for Senate?!??!
If there is any thought beyond “I am an executive, blockchain is the hot word right now, shove it in”, it is only to the extent of “I am a techbro, blockchain will solve every problem because... um... blockchain, shove it in”
The MCU retroactively embarassed itself by giving him that cameo in IM2
Why do we care what Nazis think
chud has bad opinions, news at... *checks watch*... 3
People liked GoT before it ran out of books and shit the bed, but they still fundamentally like GoT
Not the Reboot reboot I wanted to hear about.
It’s probably broadly positive. There’s only been one really bad king so far, and he didn’t reign that long, and Jahaerys was exemplary (the best monarch the Targaryens are ever going to produce, in fact), and the only other king in living memory.
Hold your arms out straight at 90 degrees from your torso, hands straight, neck straight, legs straight. (Which makes the shape of a T.) 3d models T-pose by default because that’s the easiest way for the designers to work on the model. Characters are not supposed to T-pose in the actual game, because they have…
I’m deeply impressed by the tightrope they’re walking with King Viserys, at least after one episode. “Nice dude, bad king” is hard enough to pull off on its own, but they did it all in subtext. Nobody ever says Viserys is a bad king, the kingdom is in fine shape, he doesn’t make any political screwups... but it’s…