
Hope they play the 76ers forever, that way there heart could keep beating.

The cavs, an maybe the Lebron Heat, are not that great in the regular season. The playoff are a different stories, the don’t need to be good in the regular season to win an championship, the other teams are a difference story. Is all about having Lebron James in your team, he has multiple plans and directions, the

This Articles writing how bad Tim plays, were the same that got Trump to the presidency. Maybe we should just ignore him.

They already know that there 10 million obsessive Nintendo fans that they can choke this defective console on their throats.

He is more like the reason Lebron leave Cleveland in the first place.

I will buy it, because I like too waste money. But his console is already horrible in my eyes. I will finish Zelda, an probably nothing else. The PS4 is killing it with the games, no time for a 2005 console with gimmicks.

For me this is psychological bullying, why Shaq is triying so hard to humilate a player that got no rings, an probably les IQ than him? I dont found it funny anymore, an i love Shaq, is kind of sad.

This is the reason Xbox owners are better at tournament, they got no games, so they repeat the same games over an over, and become better. 

The 3ds is not a console, but all the sega consoles and nintendo consoles (except wii) Say Hi back.

Is all horrible, an that is why i love this game—the other day a glitch made a monster-dog friendly, he was trying to play with me, i try too kill him, but he just keep playing—it was my friend for 30 seconds—then he disappear and i was so sad. I will always miss you Glithi!!!

I hate too said this, because a hate some of the games am going too mention—but if you don’t have Call of duty (or whatever other war game people like), Final Fantasy, GTA or the other sport games like Fifa, NBA, MLB,--NFL--your console is already doom to no more than a 20 million sales. I hate this, the same way you

The problem I had is that this game is trying too hard to be difficult, but is a good game, an NO-is not better than Dar Souls or Bloodborne. I consider Nioh more complicated and yes—is harder, but not better.

I finish all Dark soul games, at the moment am working to finish Bloodborne. For me every gamer can finish this games, what really makes them difficult is the patience and time you got to sacrifice. Not everybody has that (time),i will love normal difficulty for my friends, am so alone in PR playing this games.

What revenge!? Only four game suspension is not a big deal.

This is why you ignore PC gaming.

If your making triple-doubles and losing, yea, you get mad. Is gonna be very difficult to his body to be consistent for 5 more years with no help--he knows that. 8 NBA finals is no joke for a human, even if your King.

This looks like something PC gamers love.

Boston likes white players more, is this new to him?

Having a Wii-U for Cristmas alredy ruined Chrismast, the porn DVD was the  irony.

Lord Voldemort will be mad crazy when he hears they fired he’s brother.