
i can get and xbox waiting a week with any alert, the real problem is the ps5, is selling so disturbingly fast that alerts dont really help, at the time you check is already gone—-i already decided to buy it from scalpers in November, because i dont see the virus going away and with that comes the electric circuit

In many ways it’s the same game as GTA, call of duty, battlefield, metal gear, mega man —-you know like every sequel or prequel in the history of gaming. I will love to read the same critique on a Mario game.

i will buy this when is 20 or free, is sad such a great game can sale more for dumb ideas that make it less accessible , and i finish every from software game, but this am out.

I found a solution, just dont do it. In a way i dont know if you watch anime or understand japans culture, this happens in a lot of levels. I dont like it and am with you, but also i will never do a platinum achievement if they dont pay me for it. 

Until the end i cant say AOT is a pro-facist show, a lot of people in Japon love Imperial Japon fashion, you can see it in every Gundam series. Your obviously ignorant to the development of the stories, but for now is very anti-nationalism. 

Can you use the word “Exclusive” when the game is on PC at the same time? MS is selling the Xbox like a tower, why dont buy or make your own tower? The only reason to buy consoles are exclusives, without them your just another dumb PC.

Kotaku i dont think is intelligent too call every PC gamer ugly, the majority are yea, but is because they play with keyboards and god punishes the stupidity with weird body shapes.

Kotaku i dont think is intelligent too call every PC gamer ugly, the majority are yea, but is because they play with

Hey is weird that Kotaku didn’t report the sales numbers for this game, i wonder if is shame, or the site is just dying and they do not care.

Dude is a post -apocalyptic game, not everything is gonna be Nintendo. Is suppose to be brutal, and is suppose to make you feel uncomfortable. Am not saying your completely wrong, but for now the game is blowing the minds of every other site not name Kotaku—some are calling it masterpiece and is holding a steady 96%

Sony: here’s some gameplay drops mic.

One piece is awesome, Dragon ball is just dumb. I love it as a kid, but i also love he-man as kid.

The Witcher has always been political, in fact if you dont do any side mission in the game, mostly your dealing with politics.

The console was dead the day they abandon Japan, but it will live as a weird PC hybrid because they got no great games, some are good--but not great.

I don t see a future in Xbox other than a fusion with PC gaming, and that will contradict what a consoles is. Nintendo and Sony got the exclusive, and for a gamer that’s the most important thing. For me there biggest mistake was believing that Japan has no value because the only play handles, but you forgot that they

PC gaming for me is mostly for old games, the majority of the games in the list, i own on a PS4 like a boss.

Nobody really knows how the force works, is like God for Christians- it works in mysterious ways. God is love some times, and other he just like too kill children. So i dont have a problem with the force having flexibility with our feelings. (in fact is more real this way)

You play on Xbox!? then the problem is you.

“This game’s combat is basically dark souls” - every games journalist

So this in any other console is a 2, but is a Nintendo review —it has bad graphics and dumb stories—-but we love it!!!

Let the kid play in a year or two, the game algorithm is in favor of players that buy micro-transaction, that’s legal cheating in my world. So yes hi deserves a punishment, but not a life ban, the game culture was built on cheat codes (we all know Contra), as a game company if you dont get that—get the F out.