Michael Clarke Duncan was engaged to this psychopath?!
Michael Clarke Duncan was engaged to this psychopath?!
Are presidential elections won by popular vote? No? Okay, let’s stop talking about the god damn popular vote then.
1) It’s naive to think the team didn’t buy as Mourinho directed them to. The TD’s job is to give the manager what he wants.
Holy shit lol. Did not know that.
That’s good.
That kinda explains how Bush and Perry didn’t destroy the state’s economy during their governorships.
Lucky him.
terrible, corrupt, no-good politician, but he’s still governor because the alternative was to elect someone so batshit crazy that he seemed the reasonable choice
To be fair, I don’t think many New Yorkers knew Teachout was an option for governor as opposed to, say, some sort of work action by teachers.
Beyond Costa and Hazard returning to form, I think they could’ve at least put in good performances under Mourinho if two things hadn’t become brutally apparent:
Fuck me I had never seen that Troy Aikman video. I love you guys.
His newer stuff (which I hate, FWIW) is sure production-heavy but it’s a change from his earlier recordings:
Yeah I’m not sure about how the municipal gov’t there has mandated affordable housing be incorporated into new developments (if at all) so that could be an issue.
First half of first term.
Beyoncé is talentless without her 150 writers and producers per song.
If Kanye is talentless, Mr. Beyoncé is utter garbage.
Belfour’s got two Vezina’s.
Which is fine. This team has been a dump truck fire for so long that I really don’t blame people there for their lack of enthusiasm for the team over the years. They’ve showed up to support them when they’ve earned it, which hasn’t been very often in their 17 year history.
Khabibulin and HOF don’t go together unless it’s the hall of fame for vodka shots.
I understand that but also keep in mind that intensification (or gentrification, if that’s how you see it) is pretty much the only way to start curbing sprawl.