
Actually, that’s exactly where they’re supposed to build more housing, nearby employment and transit of which they’re building a lot of in the area.

I mean, sure, she could probably find some gold-digging asshole.

Paying lobbyists has that effect.

It’s less the thought of a war actually happening and more the hilarity of Israel thinking they have some sort of leverage on these countries. WTF is Netanyahu going to do to a tiny country on the opposite end of the earth that is as threatening to anybody as a mountain goat?

Also, ANZUS.

Really? What’s Israel’s expeditionary capacity? Even if they magically make aircraft carriers and personnel transports appear what do they think becomes of their security when literally every ally they have run away from them when they attack fucking New Zealand? Have they ever heard of ANZUS?

Yeah. That shit didn’t start making its presence known until I was 12 or 13.

She’ll smarten up once Rougie Odor finds out where A-Rod lives.

There’s the curve - Burneko has no heart.

...Miseducation? Is that what people are trying to compare a fucking Beyonce album to?!

I’m surprised everybody is so confused about Barb. It’s pretty easy - she disappears and nobody seems particularly concerned about it despite her being as good a friend to Nancy as Mike was to Will. It was less obsession and more meme.

“What’s that?” - Person from the year 2088

Not really, unfortunately. “Shatkins” valued him perfectly and that was reflected in their offer. If you subscribe to the “they moved on too fast” theme Edwin’s agent put out there, you’re entitled to do so but regardless of what you think of Morales or Pearce they did fill their needs and given how guys like Beltran

Now playing

A nobody, an often-criticized afterthought on a team consisting of the game’s biggest star, injured early on and confined to the sidelines, some exciting young talent and some old dogs playing above their diminished skill level all led by an engineer-turned-journeyman manager, scores a ridiculous goal against the home

Exactly what would be the high bar in the region?

I think Chelsea are playing very, very well but that’s a stretch. Chelsea were a powerhouse in Jose’s first two years there and they were going deep in the Champions League as well. Conte’s got the benefit of no European play right now.

Yeah. Just...yeah.

Wasn’t the Assad regime basically as secular as the Middle East can get though? Free and democratic, fuck no, and Assad’s regime was largely dominated by minority Alawites (himself included) and there were oppressive actions toward Sunnis and Kurds. But it was sure as hell better there for people of certain beliefs

He isn’t trying to help. He’s trying to be an asshole.

When my Civic’s tranny blew I literally pulled over and kicked it everywhere. When I brought it to a shop the guy asked me what kind of freak accident I got in where the car is dented everywhere and the transmission is fucked.