
You’re not the first to mention Uncle Joe so I’ll say this: his net worth entering the Obama Administration was about $500k. That is rather low for a career politician who has made the equivalent of $190k-215k per year for, what, almost 40 years in the Senate? So I think that would be down to him managing his money

If you risk your life for a dog, you may want to re-evaluate things.

It’s pretty simple: you would run into a burning house perilously close to collapse to save your child. You would stand there crying and screaming if it were your dog inside.

I believe the two largest pet insurance companies in America are Canada-based.

He had as much chance of turning out for Germany as Lionel Messi.

I would love to know the last cabinet member whose net worth was under $100k in today’s dollars.

Seizing the assets of cabinet picks is as sure-fire a way to enticing smart, capable people to want to be in government as I’ve ever heard.

Meghan Markle isn’t Canadian. She just lives in Toronto because it’s a cool town with good veal sandwiches.

I don’t get why it’s right for anybody? They have ways to get their hands on proper clothing in Nunavut. In a region where pretty much every fucking animal is drowning due to shrinking ice I find it hard to justify killing them so you can avoid paying a delivery charge from Canada Post.

I won’t feel my knee through my snowpants, though.

I guess crying is allowed in “a man’s game” but concussion spotting and protocol is for babies, eh Patty?

LOL I’m sure my anxiety and shyness isn’t going to play into this at all.

Apparently Barcelona’s president is steaming mad, not because the ban was overturned but rather because they used the same lawyers as Real and their ban wasn’t overturned.

Any suggestions on how to go about doing that? Rely on Yelp reviews?

Maybe that.

“Been there, done that.” - My high school self

I’ve heard that they tend to avoid doing the eye area because they could laser my eye to death or something?

Weird, right? There isn’t even a Chilean in goal.

He’s from a small town at the base of a mountain. It’s been in films before - his brother was actually in one of the films. This is the reason for his strange accent.

Is this a thing that only affects women? Because as a man with some serious bushiness and a unibrow that would make Anthony Davis blush if I didn’t do any upkeep I would very much like for some eyebrow to not return...