
Ability to score? If 2008-2014 was Iniesta’s prime he averaged 5 goals a year in that span. Not exactly gangbusters.

Honestly, he’d be in my top 5.

I think people are already starting to forget just how good Xavi was. The guy almost never made a bad pass. I love Andres but Xavi is probably the best midfielder to ever play.

Arsenal’s yellow alternate goes back quite some time.

It’s almost like Arsenal have created their own personal Europa League where all they gotta do is finish ahead of one other team for fans to be happy with how things are going.

I live in Toronto and grew up in the nearby burbs. Once, about ten years ago, the PM’s motorcade was rolling down a main street behind me as I was at a stop light. There were only a few cars at the light and it was pretty easy for the car in the left lane to move right and open a spot for them to pass through. They

She’s good but she has nothing on Nike Keys.

You had me until you had the Bills making the playoffs.

That red dashed line. These guys really got some set on them eh haha:

You’re not wrong at all, the economic impact would surely be felt in the United States. But the United States has an advantage - there’s plenty of cheap labour outside China. The slack could be picked up relatively quickly by Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia etc. while China is losing the world’s largest economy as a main

I disagree. The economic impact of a trade war with the United States could result in revolt against one party rule. Not many people in China give a rat’s ass about re-claiming Taiwan anymore. Cross-strait ties have been growing since the 90s.

American sanctions on Chinese imports would overnight cause a recession in China. It would hurt the U.S. economically as well but not nearly as bad as it would hurt the Chinese.

Do you really think if they stole U.S. Property and said property happened to destroy a few Chinese thieves the Chinese gov’t would launch an impossible to win war with the United States?

This isn’t so bad by Oklahoma standards.

Issues like they’d learn their lesson and never take another sub?

Yeah, the media just loves racist homophobes these days. MLB would probably consider the protests outside the HOF good publicity.

Except it absolutely has to do with values. The part about that is literally in this article.

Yeah, not really getting the argument Tim’s making either. It’s one part “Hey, they’ve been voting assholes in since forever! Ty Cobb is a legend both as a player and a racist and Curt Schilling isn’t Ty Cobb bad” and another part “Hey, maybe he was just as fucked up when he was playing but you’d still want him

Yeah, not really getting the argument Tim’s making either. It’s one part “Hey, they’ve been voting assholes in since forever! Ty Cobb is a legend both as a player and a racist and Curt Schilling isn’t Ty Cobb bad” and another part “Hey, maybe he was just as fucked up when he was playing but you’d still want him

Lions are a toss-up every year lately.