
So why they staying?

No, but if it’s half or less people might see it as worth it. Unions usually tend to - lord knows the tax credits the automotive industry takes from state and local gov’ts.

What’s been happening for the past 40 years in that industry.

Are corporate tax breaks a new thing that most major companies don’t already benefit from?

This is a chart of corporate welfare recipients. The top 7 receivers are all from typically blue states:

I mean, okay. But it worked, didn’t it? It doesn’t save American manufacturing but it shows to the people who voted for him that he’s going to try.

From what I understand that was a threat from Sanders to impose legislation like that. Why would that scare them?

Exactly what’s the negative with regards to the Carrier deal?

Trudeau would’ve been smart to have gone over press and public reactions to two previous visits by PM’s to Cuba - his own father’s, which the public were rather irked and confused by, and Jean Chretien’s, who was praised for flat out asking Castro to release four political prisoners and pissed Castro off.

From day one I’ve been convinced his stunt was about expanding his own profile and feeding his own ego since he went from nothing to superstar to has-been in the fastest possible progression. It’s going to be funny watching him burn as he falls down from his perch and people who actually are out there making a

We could debate about how good of a job he’s doing (I haven’t really seen much of a difference between him and the last guy, tbh) but his Castro comments fly in the face of everything he’s stood for and everything his voters claim he was in comparison to his opponents. Your father’s relationship with him means nothing

Shouldn’t Hispanic refer to residents of the island of Hispaniola much like the term Iberian refers to people from the Iberian Peninsula or British refers to people from Great Britain? Never understood why it got widespread application.

Odd, I didn’t know that South America wasn’t an America.

Now playing

This is the final moments of the semi-final vs. San Lorenzo, including a wonderful last-second save by the keeper Danilo and the entire team running onto the field in jubilation.

Wouldn’t an international draft result in more international players winding up in MLB farm systems and having a better chance of developing into full-time Major Leaguers? The cap system as it is kinda restricts the extent of that, no?

If Jason Whitlock put on fucking skates the blades would twist faster than Jeff Fisher can defend Case Keenum.

“Things get better.” - Krueger from the office of the Chairman at St. Mary’s Park

Stick your tongue up your own fucking ass, how bout that.

Who’s Kim?

Games 1 and 2 were somewhat competitive - Miami entered the 4th quarter in both games with 7 pt leads, hardly blowout scorelines.