
Raptors. The Knicks counter with Eddy Curry.

I still make a painful noise every time I see Lamarcus Aldridge.

Anyone worth a damn would be able to get paid similarly managing a club or national team with much better chances of success than the US.

What does Button have to do with the Flames? Or are you just a really big Lance Bouma fan?

Way to paint the picture there.

Yeah, stopgap to what, exactly? Why would anybody be lining up to manage this team as opposed to literally any other job worth a damn?

As an outsider, watching from afar and finding violence abhorrent...

Many of those guys are employed by teams with a much better chance of success than the States. Their careers are much better served both in terms of potential as well as current and future earnings by sticking with what’s they’ve got.

Because he’ll Make America Great Again!

America would never understand and accept the nuanced methods of Jogi Low.

The “Pizza Pizza” logo there is killing me.

This has caused quite the up-roar.

His first few sentences were literally “We made it, all of us, we did it...We are now in the history of Portugal”.

He’s the captain. Generally, things like this are expected of the captain.

Invading America?

Goodell, to sponsors: “Hey, at least people are finally talking about TNF!”

Which would ironically enough make Liverpool prime candidates given the retrofit Anfield is undergoing.

FFS you can’t hack a voting machine. It’s not connected to any network. That’s like saying I can hack your hair dryer.

To build more housing you have to build more infrastructure which results in higher taxes to fund the infrastructure which municipalities collect on property tax and other user fees which in turn forces property owners to charge higher rents.

And Price.