This is the second time I’ve seen this here. Where is it coming from? Chretien and Bush weren’t buddies but how was he brutal other than not joining the Iraq invasion force? Did they have some other major conflict I’m forgetting?
This is the second time I’ve seen this here. Where is it coming from? Chretien and Bush weren’t buddies but how was he brutal other than not joining the Iraq invasion force? Did they have some other major conflict I’m forgetting?
He really wasn’t - the only major disagreement the two had was Iraq and Chretien was only in office for 3 of Bush’s 8 years as president.
Raising taxes on the wealthy while providing middle-class tax relief was a good step, and was done with Obamacare in mind.
Then what does? I’m not the writer that put it into an article with no evidence backing it up.
That still doesn’t explain anything here. What did the Obama administration do to stem the rise of income inequality? The jobs added under his administration contained a lot of crappy, low-paying work that if anything added to the growing wealth gap.
The divide between the rich and the poor in America has been rising since the Reagan era. The Obama administration had some modest success against it.
I, for one, am proudly anti-sprots.
Bush did vote; he just left the Presidential vote choice blank and voted Republican downballot.
Remember how they all sucked up to the Bush Administration during the lead-up to Iraq even if some people realized they were full of shit?
They have two points from their last four qualifiers and have been out scored 8-4. The team as a whole look like they just don’t want to be there. They’re playing worse than butt.
Maybe he’s just shocked at how fucking stupid everybody is.
And Kennedy is hardly a reliable progressive voice on the bench
And then Trump took more of the black and Latino vote than Mittens did.
That second graphic makes no sense - LA, MI, AL and GA are all vast-majority white and they combined have like ten counties that are considered “white”? Texas? AZ?
They are - they’ve beaten them twice now.
Wait so we’re not gonna blame the Trump win on the John Kasich write-in vote?
Argentina look like shit. They’re lucky as fuck that Paraguay shit the bed vs. Peru but anything less than 3 pts vs. Colombia and they’re likely staying home in 2018.
Lol then have the fucking alternative, bud.
Unless they die, there’s no fucking chance in hell Ginsberg, Breyer or Kennedy are leaving the court in the next four years now. I’m not too worried.
People here are MAD at Gary Johnson.