First tweet under President Trump: “The first annual Purge will commence at 2100 hours.”
First tweet under President Trump: “The first annual Purge will commence at 2100 hours.”
Anything from 2012?
You did a good job of crow-eating there.
No, but they seem to think that the popular vote would have produced the exact same result had the determining factor in presidential elections been the popular vote. It’s such a futile argument
Is there any statistics on how many people were actually turned away from the polls? Or is this all based on assumption?
That’s actually kind of re-assuring - after Dole the GOP had the option of W or McCain, both of whom were very capable of being elected, cultivating a wave of downballot support and turning out an enthusiastic electorate to overturn what Republican supporters viewed as a toxic agenda carried out by the Clinton…
This would’ve been a good idea on November 7th.
Tim Thomas will fill in.
I’m cry-laughing and I love you.
Yup. Would love to know what the EPL’s Chinese/Asian broadcast deal and viewership is like because those earlier start times favour those markets (7 am eastern is 8 pm in Beijing).
More nepotism, that’s the ticket!
Maybe blame websites that post things like this that take the vote (and the voter) for granted:
3. We’re 12 hours past the last candidate hand-picked years in advance totally getting her ass handed to her and we’re already back at it?
And people are wondering why the Dems lost lol.
Liberals pull the same shit, including Obama, including Justin Trudeau, you name it.
You mean the polls that had her with 4% leads nationwide and oddsmakers that gave her an 80% chance of winning were right because she has a 150,000 vote, or 0.001%, lead in the popular vote?
“They” being politicians in general, right? Because this is line 1b in the politician’s general manual, right after “$$$”.
And that mission was completed by Nixon, who was a bigger crook than Trump could ever aspire to be.
Dominion? Oh, good, it’s pre-1982 again.
Team USA is going to win every damn Olympic hockey gold medal once Canada is annexed.