
I can’t believe I had to scroll down for like ten seconds to find this.

Haddock and Hart is going to be a smash in Turin.

Nine relatively minor items from an hour+ long presentation are opened to question or termed “weak” by INR (rather than “lies and inadequacies” as you termed them) and you think that puts him on Cheney’s level?

Honestly, it’s starting to resemble a less-funny Buzzfeed.


He was Secretary of State; he essentially drew the short straw to present to the UNGA. It’s pretty much accepted that the guy had little to no involvement in the BS that went on pre-Iraq.

Meh. Powell got shit-ended but Condi can eat a bag of mustard-covered dicks.

Not really, they’re fucking owning the Jays.

Well, fine, but remove the “Sports” part from Deadspin’s “Sports News without Access, Favor or Discretion” header then. a very interesting comparison.

OP’s being a dweeb but it doesn’t mean he isn’t kinda right - while I’ll admit I totally forgot about The Concourse’s original purpose (wasn’t it to post Drew Magary’s awful dancing?) I doubt it had much to do with Hamilton Nolan’s left-wing economic crusade and yogurt choices.

Martin could also stop grounding into inning-ending DP’s.

Things I’m hopeful for:

No. It wasn’t like I tried to turn into them when the group was mid-turn.

Glad you caught the important part.

Who said I panicked or anybody’s bones were broken?

At the very least, they need to slow down as they approach stops to ensure their way forward is clear. Unless there is accompanying traffic there isn’t really a reason for them to fully stop.

You know how in driving school they teach you that “if you’re ever in conflict with a transport truck, no matter how in-the-wrong they are, just fucking defer to them because there is no chance you’ll win?

I’ve seen them stop at stop signs more recently, but many still burst right through them.