The missing comma after ‘Cool’ is what’s throwing you off.
The missing comma after ‘Cool’ is what’s throwing you off.
xGladd got the catalyst for it on stream earlier. Finishing the secret mission unlocks a heroic version in the director with a recommended power level of 400. I didn’t catch the specifics of the catalyst, but it seems to give a range (and damage??) boost after ADS but not firing for a moment - kinda like DARCI.
Check the video from the news report - through the open window from the passenger-side angle, you see the driver wrangling the airbag as he’s frantically turning the wheel.
I noticed Eververse also sells weapon mods? I’ve only played for 2,5 hours so far and I’m trying to keep database spoilers at a minimum, but is there any risk this turns into Pay-to-Win in the Crucible and Trials?
1- Vega
Watch the tree/skyline near his head as he crosses the screen. The editor wipes the last sequence into the loop. Brilliant!
Got a ride in the back of a G90 prototype. Can confirm it’s ridiculously comfortable and power EVERYTHING (as I guess you’d expect from a kimchi-flavoured S-Class).
Base engine will be the TT3.3 in the G90. 5.0 will remain as an uprated option.
Agreed. How hard could it be to bore out the LT1 and make it an LT7? They could even have kept the output at 505hp while increasing efficiency with DI.
This needs way more stars...
Starred for the anthropomorphic captions. Bravo!
If you’re using Chrome, just right-click on the pic and hit “Search Google for this image”. Works on nearly any pic. Any other browser, just paste the URL in the image search.
So this might not be a genuine slantnose as the post suggests?
I might need to be corrected as well, but if this was a genuine slantnose, the rear bumper is wrong. McMike mentionned that this seems like a body kit.