When they went to that horrible redesign, I sent them an email saying I would never visit cnnsi.com again. I got a response that was basically a “yes you will.” I never did and I treat this as my own victory.
When they went to that horrible redesign, I sent them an email saying I would never visit cnnsi.com again. I got a response that was basically a “yes you will.” I never did and I treat this as my own victory.
This fucking sucks. Back in like 2013 Federer said he wasn’t planning to retire before Rio. Everyone laughed. Hell, I laughed. His fall was already precipitous and seemed imminent -it was when he couldn’t make it to the second week of a GS event and was forced to change racquets, which everyone thought would doom him…
The Browns may not win the Super Bowl this year. They might not be AFC champs. They might not even take their division. But with RG3, they’re bound to overthrow somebody.
Couldn’t wait longer than eight minutes to explain your joke?
I spent the last few weeks thinking of a tree that we used to have in the backyard of our old house. All those hours I spent under that tree looking up as the sunlight dripped like honey through the leaves. When the thin cold wire of time wasn’t pressing pushing tight against my neck. There was time back then. There’s…
Occam's Razor.
Why are people who make a career out of something most people desperately try to avoid, physical combat, so aggressive?
Well looks like I have a new favorite Plummer in the NFL (Sorry, Tomsula).
The articles has Betteridge’s Law all over it. No reason to read it even. The answer is “no”.
Yeah, this attempt at humor has definitely fallen victim to Poe’s Law...
glass houses with that intro... seriously though, no one’s gonna watch that show
Telling people about your fantasy teams and being a Boston fan are two of the worst traits a man can have. Somehow this guy is getting paid $9 mill to do both. Kudos to him for gaming the system.
According to FiveThirtyEight intern Kyle Wagner
Prediction: In three years, there will be an three-hour special sometime in May on NFL Network revealing the officiating rosters for the new season. And we’ll be able to actually hear the bubble burst.
Does anyone else think the Crying Jordan image isn’t actually that funny?
Make America Take Again
An Hour! I hope Whitlock gets a meal break.
I assume you're a big fan of Tucker Max's bullshit stories as well