
Dick was the voice of Wimbledon as I discovered my love for tennis. He was the perfect balance of immediacy and nostalgia that an event like that (or the Super Bowl, or the Masters, or etc. etc.) required. An endearing and enduring sports television presence, and I’ll miss him for sure.

This is why we can’t have nice things

I mean, “Artpop” come on

This song sucks because she is not good and never has been good, duh

It is very difficult to have any kind of reaction to this. It is so tired.

Oh it was beautiful.

Hear, hear. Just spent two weeks there and would go back for two more right now.

You definitely don’t deserve this kind of personal vitriol.

Giri, you’re hot. Call me.

“I know the kid is a jerk but as a legit tennis fan I love his dickish attitude because tennis needs it.”

Oh my, well done.

[pats on head] There, there....

Roger may be the most naturally talented player ever. If he’s healthy and fit, and a few breaks go his way....

Also: Germans love David Hasselhoff.

Like, seriously. If I have to hear one more homo (and I’m a card-carrying member) be like “ew...sports” I’m gonna have to bust out the Grand Diva Snap.

Well, this is also its own kind of mansplaining. And its own kind of terrible.

I <3 Betteridge’s Law

I think I can say with confidence that Tim Burke does not have a future in television.

Four years was the top end of the range. Reduction in light of this report would be a surprise.

UGH. Ugh. How hard can I “ugh”? UGH.