His defense comes up a little short.
Is it possible she fought so hard to keep them private BECAUSE she knew they were innocuous, but also that trying to uncover them would keep Assange safely occupied intil the election?
But the real doozie was this little tidbit captured backstage on a hot mic when Hillary glibly declares “sometimes you just have to grab life by the dick!”
YUP. My brother sucked his thumb incessantly. Like, up to the age of four. My parents were worried about his teeth, etc. They walked past a power wheels car (the kind you actually “drive” with a battery, etc) in the store, he freaked out over it, and they said that you can’t drive if your thumb is in your mouth.
My parents apparently had similar trouble with me. So they bought me a beautiful canopy bed with beautiful pink bedding (5 year old cisgender, gender conforming girls love that shit) and when they caught me sleeping on the floor in front of their bedroom door, threatened to send it back to the store if I didn’t start…
I enjoy Martha’s and Snoop’s friendship. It’s cute he gave her a painting.
Kate’s outfit is divine. She looks absolutely gorgeous.
Sounds like at least one of the bananas was a rotten banana. Not sure you’d want someone leaving you rotten fruit, no matter which fruit it is. Although apples do stay edible longer than bananas.
Everything we know about bananas and potassium is informed by “Honey I Shrunk the Kids”. What an incredible film...
I think you can’t use the 6.2 number as your baseline cause that number is inherently going to have high risk populations (like transpeople, but also sex workers and gang members and everything else). A better analysis will break out murder rates by demographics like race/ethnicity, religion, SES and other factors…
The numbers are not low because of police under-reporting. The numbers are low and have been roughly the same over a decade, even when you adjust the numbers to account for under-reporting. The media focus on hate crimes without any reference, just like the reporting on police shootings focuses almost exclusively on…
Technically, what she did was illegal. She and other protesters tore down a privately owned fence that was blocking off private property and then crossed onto privately owned land. That’s exactly what trespassing is. The land was not Native owned land. It was next to Native owned land.
Who knows? Out of sight - out of mind? Maybe the parents secretly thought they were doing them a favor.
And because a convent full of other women who were also sent there for that reason is a logical place to send a lesbian.
I vote, own property, have a higher education and do lots of things feminist throughout history fought for, even though I've had lots of sex. Those things aren't exactly mutually exclusive
“While I didn’t get my early marriage or my 12 kids or my big house with a white picket fence, my commitment to sexual integrity has allowed me the freedom to live the life that I want. I am living the life that feminists throughout history fought for.”
Eh, fuck the hotel industry. Most of those regulations you mention are put in place to protect them from competition, not protect the community. They don’t give a shit about you, your community, or any other grand ideas...they only care about profit (as is their right as businesses). They aren’t your friends.
Don’t they generally have the option of taking their kids with them?