part of the patronizing and tone deaf sex worker rescue industry
part of the patronizing and tone deaf sex worker rescue industry
I mean, he’s a fuckwit cum barrel of hot water-and-raisin farts but I’m glad this ended peacefully and that Curran was unharmed.
She looked like an incredibly happy person who is awkward about expressing vulnerable emotion to me – do I just feel this way because everyone around me is so awkward?
Being earnest and genuine and cheesy in movies: “Why can’t more men be like this?!”
Is it possible for Rihanna to ever not look perfect? I mean just like for one day. Give the rest of us mortals a teeny bit of hope.
What I wanted was a video montage honestly I mean if y’all gave Michael that big tribute then Prince deserves the same
KANYE 2020, Not into Assplay!
Do people have the right to care about fellow citizens shooting each other in the streets for no good reason?
You’re drawing a comparison to the height of the Capone Mob prohibition era in Chicago. That’s supposed to be a favorable comparison?
A black person is dead because of gun violence. Donald isn’t going to change the gun laws in the US. Donald thinks black people are going to vote for him because of this death. Am I missing something?
It's because the US government placed my name on some list (which I'm not allowed to see) and therefore Canadian banks have to comply because their business could get fucked up.
so you’re checking out the kids in the park for hours, but lie to your wife about it? NICE!
Hey speak for yourself. Whenever I’m in the park watching the kids play on the slides and monkey bars I always think that maybe there is hope for the future and maybe just maybe the happiness that these young souls possess may remain through their adult years and the world may get just a little better as a result.…
And, of course, Donald Trump has bragged about how he can blithely murder people in his hometown of New York City without any adverse consequence.
Yeah! Fuck the patriarchy! Fuck it right in the ear by policing the friendships of other women! Yeah girl power! #feminism #winning
Can we not blame Amy Schumer for the assholery of men she may have employed/known? Let’s stay focused on the true jerks who deserve our anger.
Please, Ms. Jackson. This is a funeral for heaven’s sake!
During DC’s summer of even greater than usual Metro suckage this has been a startling obversation for many, many people.
When I left, missing New York was quickly negated by my ability to afford cable in Chicago.