
Exactly. It’s like gas station pizza. You knew what you were getting when you walked in and you were okay with that.

When I was in high school I went to a summer program where we had a pizza dinner every Sunday night and we always had Domino’s. It was so bad it put me off of it for a decade. I had some earlier this year and was seriously impressed. They’ve come a long way and have become my fast foot chain pizza of choice.

Papa John’s is some of the worst pizza I’ve had. It’s just so.. bland.

How in the hell is it not 9JKL?

I always took it as a dig at the fact that at one point Munn leaned in hard to her mom being an Asian Tiger Mom for a little while. I remember her bringing it up a few times on talk shows. I believe that was around the same time as his “she wasn’t Asian back then” comment.

Thank you for dropping a Werewolf Bar Mitzvah reference. Made me go and listen to it again and now it’s all I’ll listen to all night.

Adam Ruins Everything and I’m Sorry are both so great. You Can Do Better is really good too.

He relayed a statement via Amber Tamblyn.

I’m 100% convinced he’s admitting to it because there’s a chance that if Mira does any follow up interviews there’s a chance it will come out that she told him which goes against his original shock at the allegations.

I was thinking more “but what if she tells people that she told me?”

A week ago he was “shocked” to hear this about someone he still referred to as a friend. Now it’s “whoops I knew, I just didn’t do anything.” Get fucked.

Yep. I know it’s probably common to just say “we’ve got you on Today/GMA in the morning” without specifying a host because of the possibility of breaking news/live TV and it never even crossed their minds they’d be stuck with Kelly.

I’m so glad she made it so far at Sasuke. Especially after what happened this season. I am so ready to see her take on Stage 3 in Vegas.

I love Jason Ritter a lot.

I hate that this fucker has made me not enjoy my favorite Disney movie.

But how will we know that we’re fat if they don’t tell us?? I mean, personally I have no self-awareness and always forget that I am fat until someone points it out.

I’m not a smoker, but I’ve worked in a lot of places that sold them. I loved restocking the Black and Milds. That first whiff when you open a pack of singles is heavenly.

Didn’t the Creeper specifically target just the high school guys in the second one too?

Are they gonna ban the people in the stands who regularly sit, talk, shout, etc during the anthem?

Trump made a big song and dance over doing something and then just quietly didn’t do it? That’s like his go to move at this point.