Cape Cod Crepe God
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RE: Your addition of “Nothing Else Matters”

I’m satisfied that my disassociation from my alma mater has been so complete that I’m finding out about their new coach via Deadspin. Baylor can go to hell.

Going forward, my alma mater getting sanctioned for recruiting violations but not for supporting a culture of sexual assault is going to be my new explanation when someone asks me what the upside-down smiley face emoji means.

You know all those athlete podcasts where they just spew pre-canned media speak to every question while he tries to get them to loosen up? The ones where you end up just wishing he was just having a casual conversation with one of his non-famous friends/employees instead? That was the show.

Shit was pretty damn real for those horses on Luck.

His takes may suck, but he takes from his roommates just fine.

Is that a specific section? Or just all of McLane?

So, any of your alma maters an abject embarrassment? Or just mine?

Worst appropriation of a Paul Simon song since Garden State.

At the day, the number of digits in your bank account is what determines whether you win this kind of suit.

recommended reading for anyone that makes comments like this.

“Please use a method of protest that we are confident will get ignored so we can maintain the status quo.” - A lot of folks right now, even a lot of liberals.

my heart is yours

“Honestly, I just wrote in Bernie Sanders’ name to make a point. I never thought there was any way Hillary would actually lose to Trump. So yeah, quite worried”

Better than Ben Stein.

I hope Lillard gets left off just because I love “I feel slighted” Dame.

“So, completely healthy?” - Roger Goodell

I knew they shoulda traded Klay for Love when the had the chance...

Rex Buford? Who dat?

From my experience, sportswriters get really defensive on Twitter about how important they still are.