
Nicki Minaj doesn't say it, her character says it. Big difference.

I guess it's could be considered flattering, but it's also kinda degrading, too.

I'm probably going to regret this later after I'm flamed/banned but...

Wait—how can she not be aware of a backlash?

I see. So - you want her to choose up sides or you'll do what?

If the victim is trying to drag her into a legal and social battle that she has no legitimate ties to, she is well within her right to call the action out as "irresponsible". She is trying to stay out of it, and was pulled right in. Saying "fuck her" for calling out someone (anyone) for a high school-esque,

If you want to accuse her for the 'irresponsible' comment, fine, that makes sense. But you can't expect everyone close to Woody Allen to instantly side with the first and only person to accuse him. You can't even reasonably expect a wide audience to. Even Mia Farrow sides with Roman Polanski, and he actually admitted

I'm gonna be that annoying person who defends the unpopular opinion.

Alright so, I find nothing wrong with her responses. She's saying she has nothing to do with the situation and knows nothing about it, so it was irresponsible to name her.

Come on you guys - why should she be forced to have an opinion about this? why can't she be allowed to stay out of it and want her work to be separate? It's just all such a mess and we'll never really know the true truth. It's not our business! Unlike many others in the news for their sexual crimes/perversions, Woody