The D.B. Cooper hijack.
The D.B. Cooper hijack.
I tell them upfront, look it's your life and your choice and I just want you to be happy, but I think that this person is dragging you into their personal drama and they should figure out their shit first. And then, once they're in a place of honesty, you two should try to make it work if you want to.
Based on my experiences with friends with unique dating lives, guys with wives are actuality the worst. They are high-maintenance, and attention starved and tend to be quite emotionally immature and rather dim. But since they are well-off middle aged white guys they overestimate their own intelligence and believe that…
At 4:00 you can see the exact flicker in the lady's eye that shows she has realized they're laughing at her not with her. And the douche in the beard actually used to be a friend of Jezebel and appeared in some videos on here, then he took a hard turn toward libertarian-republican-ville, his name is Gavin McInnes
If you need a good giggle the David Parody beauty tutorials videos are amazing, he does parodies of specific videos and especially if you sometimes binge watch eye makeup tutorials, you will die laughing. His Michelle Phan ones are genius.
Gator Fans!
Fuckin' Bruges is probably responsible for this somehow.
I would eat sticks of butter when I was little, I loved it apparently. I was always on the scrawny side though so I think it didn't matter too much, I wasn't allowed to have soda or treats or anything but a little bit of juice mixed with water so I think I just channeled all of my cravings through stealing butter.
Do you mean why can't vaccines be made mandatory? Or are you asking why they are they allowed to be mandatory?
I agree with all your points, along with the fact that the difficulty level just isn't the same as toys marketed to boys around the same age. My younger brothers were making complex battleships with those impossibly small legos even at just 6 years old, while they're marketing extremely basic 30-50 piece tinkertoy…
I feel like you're just trying to attack me over this so I'm not really sure how to respond. Yes, I would prefer it to not include drugs whether licit or illicit but I do personally prefer something like hard cider v. white wine is slightly less problematic than meth v. heroin which harm people not just who choose to…
Excuse me, I never said that. I said "maybe" it would be less troublesome, if they were really set on on doing a libations bracket. Personally I would still not think it was a great idea, but the use of hard drugs and joking around about things crack and meth is to me is extremely tasteless. Our culture has accepted…
I was the same! 21-22 insta boobs! (24 now) I went from A to C which isn't anything crazy but was a pretty big jump for me (and I'm "small-boned"? small-framed? whatever the proper phrasing is). It's hard because I have a pretty small rib cage if that makes any sense and am a 32 band-size but then getting a bra that…
I was flat until my early 20's and I miss it! I never had to worry about wearing a bra, something looking "inappropriate", bathing suits making me feel exposed, boob spillage, etc. Sure they get some more attention from dudes now, but I don't think it was a deal breaker or anything like that before and I never had…
I thought this was really distasteful too. And I don't think it is just an "old and doesn't get it" thing, I'm in my early 20's and have never had any addiction issues and still found this topic a bit upsetting. I mean I think some of the hard drugs are supposed to be a "joke" but I don't know, it seems a bit over the…
I add a squeeze of lemon juice to the water I boil to loosen everything. Even a microwave that smells like bacon and tomato sauce will smell pleasantly citrus after steaming it with water and lemon juice. And re you sure you're getting everything? Like the top of the microwave and places that are easy to overlook…
You are the best! It's like magic!
So the "children" this is protecting are the ones doing the raping and being raped, but it is too mature for them to read about??!! This is like the mind-blowingly inane rules about sex-ed, I grew up in a place where they couldn't teach anything but "abstinence-only" and even though a good chunk of the kids were…
It looks awesome! The rainbow "R" makes me happy :)