Capaldi's Eyebrows

As a child of two Coloureds, I’ll say that my parents had “Coloured” on their pass cards, and were only in the same category as “Black” when there was division between “White” and “Non-White” for facilities. But officially they were/are Coloureds and unofficially both “White” and “Black” people in RSA wanted nothing

It got me my current job and other vendors and recruiters find me regularly through LinkedIn. (I'm in IT sales.)

I see you've met my in-laws, Lifehacker.

I'd like to see Brady Ellison shoot an arrow that has a boxing glove at the end of it or one that expands into a criminal-capturing net.

Last April we took my then six-month-old son to visit my parents (YYC ->YYZ; approx. four hour flight).

That cock ring lasts a surprisingly long time.

As a sour candy addict for 30+ years, this is terrible news. Just terrible.

Also - "Wife who puts up with her husband's weird interests".

If this becomes a big deal, then at least we've got our plot for "The Social Network 2".

I think this is an awesome new feature, and I'm looking forward to it being implemented.

I don't care about the phone, but I am hoping for a bluetooth-enabled iPod Nano.

I'm wondering if anyone has dealt with/gotten over a sugar addiction. My weight would be fine if I wasn't constantly craving something sweet (candy, chocolates, ice cream, etc). It's fairly pathetic to have this issue as a 40-year-old man.

I'm still in the "text messages are for 14-year-old girls" category.

Now show them an episode of Jersey Shore.

Mobile telephone

This is news for me, although I never had a knife block until my now-wife moved in with me.

This is timely advice as we've really lost the upkeep of our house since we had a baby a few months back. I'll try implementing some of these ideas to see if we can't turn things around.

What is the current etiquette around where not to check one's smartphone/cellphone? I've been getting increasingly frustrated with compatriots looking at these things/texting during meals, at the gym, on the golf course. Am I just an old fuddy-duddy?

I didn't think laundromats existed anynore - I tend to think of them as locations from movies.

I just picked up the Canon Powershot G12 over the weekend. I wanted something that was easy to use yet still had some functionality and had better quality than the awful cellphone photos I see plastered over Twitter and Facebook.