Capaldi's Eyebrows

I wake up to sports radio, but my brain is wired such that I wake up about five minutes before the alarm goes off. The key thing to my morning is working out lightly, whether it be swimming or weights. Sure, it's 5:00am, but the benefits last all day long.

@GalileoHumpkins: I actually left my BB at home last year when we went to Hawaii. I spent the first day looking for it in my non-existent chest pocket, then I completely forgot about it.

I've enjoyed all 218 episodes over the past ten years. Smallville was the only appointment television for me over that time. Sure, there were some sketchy periods, and perhaps the show went on two years too long, but it was overall enjoyable escapist entertainment on a Thursday or Friday night.

Usually I'll watch one of the provided movies or TV shows. Or I'll have a book or my laptop with me.

You don't feel sad about its demise? I'll be a little bummed when the coffee shop where I met my wife eventually goes out of business or gets demolished for condos.

I don't know if it's been mentioned, but Cole is a "heel" - a bad guy in wrestling terms. So it would be in keeping with the character he's playing to be insulting and profane.

Janet van Dyne and Tony Stark had a brief, torrid romance back when Hank was in jail and Janet didn't know Tony was Iron Man. Tony wrote "Toujours L'amour" (Forever Love) on the beach but the waves washed it away.

I haven't had the same epiphany yet this Lent in doing the same (I gave up Facebook and Twitter), but I hope I have the same non-reaction when I eventually go back in late April.

Ironically, I gave up both Facebook and Twitter for Lent.

In the 80s, I set my cassette alarm clock to wake me up to Van Halen's "Panama" every morning. Did this for about a year until the tape snapped.

This is great - there have been a lot of times I've been stuck in traffic thinking, "If only I could play Angry Birds right now."

I gave up Twitter and Facebook for Lent and it's been killing me but I've been more productive.

I like leaving voicemails when I don't want to talk to someone directly. Just easier to do that, still convey something in my voice, and move on.

The quality is inconsistent, but there's enough going on to keep me coming back (as it has since I discovered it in Season 3).

Unfortunately, I'm already checking email on my BlackBerry long before heading to the office.

Mandatory dress code for all travelers.

I'll watch it, but I would have taken FlashForward over this in the coin toss.

On his website, he does attempt to defend his position:

I was impressed with how well Tom Welling could do EVIL. He was quite convincing.

I really really think Mera should get her own show. Yowza!